
Showing posts from August, 2023

🚨 What Makes Earthquakes?

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #rain #hail #snow #Earthquakes  What Makes Earthquakes? ⚠️ #tsunami Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "I Can Warn you 🇺🇲 in the name of Almighty #God Allah that He will TAKE one of your cities and DESTROY IT COMPLETELY with an #Earthquake to show you His Anger, and you'd Better Leave the People of God Alone." #Farrakhan The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable #ElijahMuhammad warns "#SanFrancisco WILL Be Completely destroyed by earthquake and the following #TidalWave will take out #Oakland." #Messiah #LouisFarrakhan warns "This is the MOST DIFFICULT press conference that I have EVER been a part of..  I saw the Earthquake‬ in #Japan‬, And the #Tsunami‬ that followed. And the damaging of the #nuclear‬ reactors that begin poisoning the air and the water.  I begin to age AS I was looking at it because I KNEW there was a Deeper Significance that ‪#Allah #MasterFardMuhammad wanted me to LOOK INTO. When I ...

⚠️ The Departure of Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, Gaza, Ramadan, & The War Of Armageddon

  ⚠️ #Ramadan #BRICS #Gaza #Palestine #petrodollar #oil #Saudi #Mecca #silver #gold #Russia #China  ⚠️ The Departure of Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, Gaza, Ramadan, & The War Of Armageddon Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "My dear brothers and sisters leaders of the #Islamic world: What you are doing under the guidance of America and Europe will cause the WHOLE Middle East to be DESTROYED, and possibly lead to the BOMBING of our Holy City of #Mecca.   Whether you know it or not, the rightful place for The Righteous will be bathed in BLOOD as a purifying agent for The #Mahdi and The #Messiah to bring The Real People of God back to their proper and rightful place in Mecca, in #Medina, and the whole Muslim world! In previous broadcasts, I talked about how certain countries in the Muslim World were being used, and how the #MiddleEast is going to go up in FLAMES —and if that happens, the whole Islamic world will come against...

When We Help The Servants of God #Master Fard Muhammad

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC  ⭐️⭐️⭐️ When We Help The Servants of God "But Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute, WITH her family and ALL who belonged to her, because she hid the men Joshua had sent as spies to Jericho—and she lives among the Israelites to this day." Joshua 6:25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ When we help the servants of The REAL True and Living God, Master Fard Muhammad, we come up under His Protection.  Would You Like To Be Under The Protection of The Supreme Being in this time of Intense Darkness? Are you paying Attention to What is happening around America? Wars and rumors of wars. Civil war, Deadly, violent protests like we've never seen.  Unimaginable Drought, then FAMINE, and the complete collapse of the 🇺🇲 banking system and economy. NONE of these so called influencers can protect you from The Wrath of God.  And IF you help His servants, HE will protect you and ALL that you have. "But Joshua SPARED Rahab the prostitute, WITH her family and ALL that belonged to ...

🚨 The Death of The Dollar: Another Nail in The Coffin. It's War Time Now

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #silver #gold #brics #dollar #economy #banks #Farrakhan #MasterFardMuhammad  🚨 The Death of The Dollar: Another Nail in The Coffin. It's War Time now (WW3 Armageddon) ⚠️ The Dollar Will SOON Be WORTHLESS.  The Honorable #ElijahMuhammad warns that 🇺🇲 Will never tell the people they are being slaughtered In this war UNTIL we see it for ourselves, when all those bodies start coming back.  One of those bodies will be the dollar.  As the whole world REJECTS the dollar, all those unwanted dollars will be returned here, putting the final nail in the coffin of this economy.  And it all comes crashing down.  We have very little time left before the dollar is worthless here, too.  Prepare now, store 3 months of food, water, & supplies in your home.  Convert all the money you have left into Gold & silver, or you will lose it all in the banks or under your mattress.  Because WHEN the dollar is DONE, NO O...

🚨 The War To End All Wars is Heating Up

  #NationofIslam #FruitofIslam #MGTGCC #Russia #China #Brics #Armageddon #nuclearwar #emp #Brazil #Russia #China #Lebanon #Iran #India #saudiarabia #Trump 🚨 Christ's Holy War To END All Wars, America: One Nation Against God. "Then God GATHERED the worlds Leaders together to the place that in Hebrew is called ARMAGEDDON." Revelation 16:16 ⚠️ The Angel Jabril warns, "The Black man and woman’s condition is related to ARMAGEDDON  and requires the presence and work of a Black Messiah or a REDEEMER with the natural and/or divine capacity to love and to fight in the service of that love. How is the position and condition of America’s millions of Black people related to this most frightful of wars?  Was and is the injustice done to Black people of such nature that only The Supreme Being Master Fard Muhammad can solve it; as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated time and time again?  And if this is so—AND IT IS —will white people, led by their spiritually blind leaders, i...

⚠️ Our Pledge of Allegiance: Going Against The Deal That We Made

  Our Pledge of Allegiance: Going Against The Deal That We Made One day Back when I was living in California one of my coworkers was having a bad morning.  We were setting up the restaurant and she was telling me how tired she was. She was complaining and complaining about her husband.  You see her husband was an actor trying to make it in Hollywood. And years earlier, she made a DEAL with her husband.  The Deal they made was she would work and pay all the bills and he would take the training, the acting classes, go on all the auditions he could get, and do what he had to do to make it in the industry.  Because Going on several auditions a day and keeping a regular job can be a challenge.  And you're always at THAT moment if you can't get a shift covered of, "Do I just go on the audition anyway and hope this is the one, or do I just go to work and keep my job?" So now, years had passed, and it appeared to her that she was getting the worse part of THE DEA...

⚠️ Will You Just Let The Bankers STEAL ALL Your Money? They Will Try Very Soon

⚠️ Will You Just Let Them Steal ALL Your Money? 🕯 Have You Considered getting an ounce of Gold or Silver Today? You Should.  ⚠️ Can You imagine waking up checking your bank balance and seeing your account is totally empty?  Can you imagine how panicked you may feel, that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach while trying to call the bank, being put on hold for hours never speaking to anyone, only to hang up and rush to your local branch?  Now imagine that bank teller giving you a look of pity as they try to explain that they cannot tell you WHO took your money.  Can you imagine the anger, the rage?  You put all your money in a bank thinking it was safe, and now it's gone, and the bank won't even tell you where it went?  They only give you a 1-800 number to call as security walks you out of the bank. There have been many reports of this happening.  Just check YouTube or Tiktok.  All for different reasons, but the victims all want the people t...

🕯Ever Feel Like It’s Never Enough?

Image #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC Believers Ever Feel Like It’s NEVER ENOUGH? That Will SOON Change.  ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #MasterFardMuhammad Already Knows we don't have everything we need to do what we want to do or to do what He asks us to do.  And We do the BEST we can with what He Blesses us with.  We must be #faithful and work faithfully with very little to nothing, and He Will Surely Bless us with all The Bigger and Biggest things we truly desire.  But don't bury your talents with the attitude "I don't have enough so I'm not doing nothing." ⭐️⭐️⭐️ IF We Don't Give Up, Allah Can Change ALL of our Situations in an INSTANT.  I saw this Imam talking about this one Brother who struggled HARD for ten years. Barely getting by, borrowing money from friends, beyond dirt poor. And the Imam said he struggled TEN years and then, in one year, he made 6 million dollars.  The Saviour Teaches us, and Promises very early in our Journey into #S...

🛸 Drones & UFOs: The Wheel (Motherplane) Moves to The Rear after Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Drones #ufos #CanaryIslands #Vanuatu #earthquake #tsunami  🛸 Drones & UFOs: The Wheel (Motherplane) Moves to The Rear after Messiah @LouisFarrakhan ⭐️ "Then the angel Messiah @LouisFarrakhan , who had been leading the Nation of Islam, moved to the rear of the camp.  The pillar of cloud 🛸 (#TheWheel/ #MotherShip) also moved from the front and stood behind them." Exodus 14:19 ⚠️  Don't Hate Master Fard Muhammad AS He Moves These Mountains For Us! ⚠️ What is really happening in #Syria?  Is it The same thing that is happening with Australia, New Zealand, and all the islands in the Pacific? ⚠️ Why Are All These Countries, Cities, Towns; Islands on Fire?  And To The Believer In God, Why Is God ALLOWING This At This Time?  ⭐️ NOTHING Happens on this earth without God's Permission .  He either MAKES it Happen, or He LETS it happen. And How Can We Survive WHAT'S COMING NEXT? The E...