Abortion: The Worst Sin


#Christ warns "You read and hear that white America is agreeing to kill UNBORN babies.They have set up a LAW for it.(#abortion)

This is the WORST SIN that you could agree on to have your #baby killed BEFORE its #BIRTH.

What are you going to do that for? 

He(whites) tried to put out an old unfounded story that you are getting to be too many people and "We have to cut the birth-rate." Who needs to cut the birth rate? 

The Black people have no need to cut down; they need to INCREASE the birth rate. The earth and the heavens around the earth are OURS. Who is going to go hungry? Do you not read the past histories of how the righteous were ALWAYS the WINNERS and the victorious people? 

So will we(Blacks, #Latinos) be, the winners and the victorious people.

WE ARE NOT THINKING of anyone making us hungry unless it is #Allah (God), and He #MasterFardMuhammad came to FEED us as it is written, "My righteous servant shall EAT, but ye shall go hungry." 

And, America, hunger is staring at YOU NOW!

Unemployment-you cannot buy the food that you used to buy, for you have nothing to buy it with. This is why I PLEAD WITH YOU to come join up with me(#ElijahMuhammad/#Farrakhan & #NationofIslam) and let us go to the earth and grow our food not go walking around the city with a basket for the devil to drop food into--he will not help you for he will not have any food to drop into his own basket. 

He(Whites) has not only FOOD STORED up, but he has CLOTHES STORED UP. 

He has plenty of this, but that does not mean that he cannot come to hunger and nakedness if Allah (God) strikes at him. 

Allah (God) brings the wicked into desolation before they can get started to strike back." Honorable Elijah Muhammad : Fall of America: #Babies MURDERED

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