🚨 REPENT NOW: Don't Wait Until The Last Minute: Don't Wait To CLEAN UP!

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Iran #Gaza #Farrakhan #ElijahMuhammad #MasterFardMuhammad 


⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Angel Brother Jabril teaches, "We (Blacks in America) are the MOST LOVED objects EVER in Gods Creation. 


There have NEVER been a people, human beings on whom God has FOCUSED The GREATEST Intensity of love that His Heart can generate.

The man ( #ElijahMuhammad) who knows God said #MasterFardMuhammad Loves us MORE than a mother loves her children.

Thats a Man, with the Love of ALL the mothers wrapped in One, and then some, for babies.

We're babies compared to Him. 

We're still in the kindergarten of His Knowledge. 

So be careful how you judge yourself. 

Forget about others!

STOP Judging yourself!" Brother Jabril Muhammad: The Weak Minded

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches, "#MasterFardMuhammad LOVES You. Let me state that First.

I don't want us to think because we are other than ourselves, or we have failed in this aspect or that aspect that we are out of The MERCY, The PROTECTION, The LOVE, and The FORGIVENESS of our God! 

Master Fard Muhammad didn't come 9,000 miles to destroy us for our shortcomings! 

He Came 9,000 miles to FREE us from these shortcomings to MAKE us His People. 

And He would Be Our God." #Farrakhan: Restrictive Laws of Islam 



🚨 REPENT NOW: Don't Wait Until The Last Minute: Don't Wait To CLEAN UP!

The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "You have been reading the TRUTH of JUDGMENT. I warn you to GET READY now, not to wait like the people of Lot, and the people of Noah. 

DON'T WAIT until the LAST minute, because NOBODY loved us but God #MasterFardMuhammad). 

They don't want us; we're TOO IGNORANT and DISGRACEFUL of self. 

NOBODY wanted us, He said to me, but Himself. 

If it had been left to them, the other Scientists would not have given this devil a chance at all, they would have killed him AS SOON as his TIME was up, because they had been waiting for the time. 

He said they were READY. 

He (Allah) said, "Some of the boys (#Syrians), young men, teenagers and what not, they would go around in circles singing a song; 

"Take me, take me to North America; take me, take me to North America, the land on the shore of Tennessee. I promise my Allah I will not return until I push the devils in the hell." 

That's how much they(#Syria) love you(Blacks in USA), and they hate the devil for mistreating us. 

I sat in a certain airport, and once I was just leaving and was talking to a Muslim who was half owner of the airport, and his father owns the other half, he told me, "Brother Muhammad, we know everything that goes on among you and your people. 

If I just had the chance to go to America, so I could fight for you all until I die. I wouldn't want to come back here. I would just like to go there and just fight for you all." 

He was crying when he said that. 

THINK about the people that LOVES you and you DON'T love them? 

And to think that they would come and FIGHT to the DEATH to save you and me. 

Just THINK over these things, and when you see one(Syrian), you laugh at him and his heart's FULL OF LOVE FOR YOU. 

They know they cannot talk to you, so it will make sense, because you don't know yourself or them. 

My sons Herbert, Akbar and myself looked at that man crying over us, and he was sitting in his OWN airport." Honorable Elijah Muhammad #TheologyofTime

🕯 WHEN Satan Trips Us Up: Do Not Despair. Do Not Despair The Mercy And Forgiveness of #MasterFardMuhammad

"If you declare with your mouth, “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is Lord,” and BELIEVE in your heart that God (Master Fard Muhammad) raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved." Romans 10:9

"We are made right with Master Fard Muhammad by placing our faith in The Honorable #ElijahMuhammad. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. For everyone has sinned; we ALL fall short of God’s glorious standard." Romans 3:22

 🕯"Say: O My servants who have been reckless against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives sins altogether. He is indeed the Forgiving, the Merciful." 39:53

"...and do not despair of Allah’s mercy.Surely none despairs of Allah’s mercy except the disbelieving people." 12:87

"And spend in the way of Allah and do not cast yourselves to destruction with your own hands and do good (to others). Surely Allah loves the doers of good." 2:195

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "There is nothing you have done that Allah will not forgive us for, IF we make that Change. Otherwise we will be Killed."

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches "The Holy ‎Quran‬ teaches you and me that those who are servants of Allah‬ #MasterFardMuhammad, "If the devil causes a foot to slip of My servants, do not despair, for Allah FORGIVES SIN Altogether.

KNOW that Allah is MERCIFUL. KNOW that Allah will ‪FORGIVE‬ the believers."

This means that ALL believers in the Messenger(Messiah @LouisFarrakhan), if he ERRORS or SINS, so long as he is a BELIEVER, he is FORGIVEN.

In another place in the Holy Quran, it says that Allah will on that day FORGIVE the believers their sins, and TAKE AWAY the evil that was IN them and MAKE THEM DESERVING of the salvation that has been made to them that believed.

The Bible says this: "Though their sins be red as crimson, I will wash them white as snow."

But those who disbelieve in Allah and in His messenger and in the scriptures which he brings the message he was delivering, they shall be the inmates of the FIRE of HELL." Honorable ElijahMuhammad: Letter to Warith D Muhammad

Definition of ERROR 

1a: an act or condition of ignorant or imprudent deviation from a code of behavior

b: an act involving an unintentional deviation from truth or accuracymade an error in adding up the bill

c: an act that through ignorance, deficiency, or accident departs from or fails to achieve what should be donean error in judgment: such as

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