Recession, Depression, Or Judgment Day
π¨ Get #Gold & #Silver Now! Because All of the enemy's talk of #recession & #depression is smoke and mirrors to get us to NOT THINK about The TIME and What Must Be Done To Survive.
Because When We Continue to THINK on how Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns SOON the #economy will completely collapse and the dollar will be worth NOTHING, this adds more pressure on our minds forcing us to quicken our preparations for the complete collapse and breakdown on the government.
When they say we are ENTERING a Recession removes that sense of URGENCY of impending DOOM.
We must store at least 3 months worth of food and water for every person in our home. 90 gallons of #water, per person.
90 pounds of #navybeans.
Some may think today that you don’t want to eat navy beans every day, but WHEN that Major #Earthquake strikes destroying nuclear reactors releasing massive amounts of radiation into the atmosphere killing many thousands or millions you may change your mind when you learn navy beans help the body fight radiation poisoning.
The collapse of the dollar, the collapse of the #banks, the #economy, will not be a long drawn out process.
It can happen overnight.
One night you go to bed living in one world, the next morning, totally new reality where no one is taking cash and every other sign says SILVER or GOLD only.
And those who followed The Messiah’s order to convert our dying dollars to silver and gold will be in a much better place financially than those who rejected guidance.
You say WHEN did he order that?
⚠️Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "FIND a WAY to turn paper(#dollars), with the little value it has left, into #Gold or #Silver. If you cannot afford an ounce of Gold, Get Silver." TwitterBook
Because The Messiah warns "But one day, in the TWINKLING of an eye(instantly), THE ECONOMY WILL JUST COLLAPSE. The WISE of the country KNOW that this IS COMING and they’re trying to HEDGE against it. But the poor Blacks and Hispanics, and even poor Whites, they don’t really know what is going on with their country." #Farrakhan
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