The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns "SEPARATION of the so-called Negroes from their slave-master’s children is a MUST. 

It is the ONLY SOLUTION to our problem. 

You must know that this is the TIME of our SEPARATION and the JUDGMENT of this world, which you and I have known. 

Therefore, Allah #MasterFardMuhammad has said to me that the TIME is RIPE for you and me to ACCEPT OUR OWN, the WHOLE PLANET EARTH. 

Are you waiting for the Divine Destruction? 

COME! Let us REASON together. 

FIRST, in order for us to reason, you must have a through knowledge of self. 

WHO is going to teach you that knowledge of self? 

WHO are you waiting for to teach you the knowledge of self? 

Surely, not your slave-master, who blinded you to that knowledge of self. 

The slave-master will not teach you the knowledge of self, as there would not be a master-slave relationship any longer." Honorable Elijah Muhammad : Message to the Black Man: Help SELF before Helping Others 

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