What Do You Believe?


#Armageddon #TheWheel 🛸 Brother Jabril warns "MANY of us, who SAY that we are with him(@LouisFarrakhan), have NOT yet come to terms with, nor come to believe in the FULL TRUTH and value of his VISION; 

Whether or not the Honorable ElijahMuhammad is physically ALIVE. 

Whether or not TheWheel or the #MotherPlane is REAL. 

And whether or not the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is really on his way to MEET with the Honorable ElijahMuhammad on #TheWheel. 

Our SALVATION is ABSOLUTELY TIED to our REAL CONVICTIONS concerning the REALITIES of what I just mentioned above. 

As he said, over the years, these MATTERS OF FAITH are so CRUCIAL that rejection of his position (on these matters) INCREASES the danger to the lives of us all, and the destiny of the Nation is at stake! 

But they don’t have the power over The Supreme Being #MasterFardMuhammad! 

Minister Farrakhan CLEARLY STATED that he already KNEW that MANY of us, throughout the Nation, had NOT really ACCEPTED the truth of his positions on these matters. 

He also clearly stated that aside from other factors, upon which our individual and collective lives and salvation depend, our SALVATION certainly would be DETERMINED by the QUALITY of our ACCEPTANCES of these realities. 

All of this is directly related to the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that the 

#NationofIslam is NOT going to fall again, which is written in scriptures, which involved at that time, the future. 

In the spirit and from the counsel contained in Minister Farrakhan’s study guides, we should look squarely at ourselves and be honest with ourselves about what we really believe and where we really stand with reference to his VISION, the state of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Wheel. 

Furthermore, we must face what we really believe concerning his DEPARTURE —as fast as we can." Brother Jabril Muhammad: Facing Essential Questions about God's Servants and their teachings 

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