What Does America Owe Blacks in America?
#Maga #Trump #Reparations #separation
What Does America Owe Blacks in America?
Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "Americans say, REMEMBER the #Alamo, REMEMBER #PearlHarbor & REMEMBER the #Holocaust,”
We, the Blacks in America, DESERVE to be REPAIRED.
We are a BROKEN people and we need to be repaired.
How, Senator Kerry(Sanders), can you heal the racial divide by sweeping the principle of JUSTICE under the rug?
When a husband and a wife have disagreements, if they don't address the REASON for the disagreement, the GAP between the two continues to WIDEN until the division between them is irreconcilable.
Therefore, they have to go before a judge for SEPARATION or divorce and then the court must look at the ASSETS that the wife HELPED the husband to accrue and SHARE it with the woman who is seeking relief.
Well, here we are with you.
We helped you BUILD this country.
We FOUGHT, BLED and DIED to maintain this country.
You don't want to see the horror of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the INHUMANITY of what we've suffered.
You say, “But the PRESENT generation had nothing to do with it.”
That is true.
But the present generation of #Germans had NOTHING to do with what happened to the Jews of yesterday!
It's not about what you did; it's about a RESPONSIBILITY to CORRECT a WRONG that MUST BE Be CORRECTED.
We were robbed of the knowledge of ourselves.
For 300 YEARS, Black people were reduced to a subhuman level as chattel.
We lived under lynching, segregation, Jim Crow, injustice, police brutality and racial profiling up to this VERY MOMENT.
Don't we deserve consideration?
IF YOU WANT OUR VOTE in this most critical election, I'm warning the Black leadership, don't sell out your people for that which the Qur'an says happened to the magicians of Pharaoh:
They were promised wealth and nearness to Pharaoh.
A slave may want some money and to be seen in the halls of power, while justice does not come to the suffering masses."
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