Mother Tynnetta explains Ringing in ears "The information that we are sharing from the lecture entitled, “The Power of Prayer,” is really a teaching on the Power of Thought dealing with the science of electricity transmission (sending and receiving). It is intended truly for those who disbelieve in the Power of Prayer as it is written—two will be walking; one will be taken and one will be left. Two will be at the mill, one will be taken; one will be left. Two will be in the bed; one will be taken and one will be left. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave us the science behind every law of the universe. That is what we are getting to right now. There is no “spookism” in Islam. God is Real. You are real. We are real and we move by the scientific laws of our mechanical Universe that was put into motion trillions and trillions of years ago. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us that you will hear a ring, a bell-like sound, in your ear. He said, that that will be a sign that either he would be trying to get in contact with you or one of the scientists that will be trying to get in touch with you. He further stated that two of us will be walking together, doing normal things, in the mall shopping and he said that that MESSAGE will come through the EAR, through the power of HEARING. One will hear it and the other will not; and in that time, the message will be the communication of thought coming from these high-born scientists and you will have to FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS of what that voice is telling you to do. Now, the question is: Have we cleaned up this vehicle to be able to hear those high frequencies of sound? These high frequencies of sound are emitted from a light, a form of electricity. The use of electricity is one of the great mysteries that Master Fard Muhammad shared with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad upon His departure which still at that time remained a mystery.." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad : The Power of Prayer Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or


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