⚠️ The Whipping Is Now IN The House


#NationofIslam #Allah #MasterFardMuhammad #ElijahMuhammad 


Muslims: Do You THINK You Are Safe?

⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "And I'm saying that to Muslims to say don't you ever think because you know The God Master Fard Muhammad that you can play with Him. 

Don't you ever think that because you know what you know that God will be with you when you don't DO what you're SUPPOSED TO DO with what you know. 

See? Allah will allow a disbeliever to beat the hell out of you to make you to SEE why you need to be more in tune with your God.

Muslims: Do you THINK that you’re SAFE?🤨

 Oh, yes you do! 

Because IF you Didn't THINK you were safe, you would be WORKING HARD, to WORK OFF the EFFECT of the SINS that YOU HAVE COMMITTED. 

The WORST SIN you have committed as a Muslim is to see your people in the street, suffering and dying, and walk by them and NEVER offer them the Knowledge that was OFFERED to YOU.🤨 

The WHIPPING is now IN the house—take it or let it alone! 

I’ve done my job! 

I want you to know: There’s NOT going to be ANY MORE good days!

And you can say, “Allahu Akbar” (God is The Greatest), I hope you’ll say it when that whipping gets on your behind. 

You’re not going to use His Name in vain, saying you believe—but we can’t find ANY WORKS to PROVE it!

We’ve ALL got to PAY for what we’ve done and for what we have NOT DONE —meaning the Sins of OMISSION and the Sins of Commission.

You’ve had your free ride. 

I have been a MERCY but you don’t love mercy. 

You work the hell out of mercy!

You don’t have ANY mercy on me!

You see me pouring my life out, and you STILL want me to keep pouring! 

That’s NOT somebody who’s caring about his Teacher, that’s somebody who wants the Teacher to keep on feeding him, and he’s going to eat and crap—and then get up and do NOTHING!

I think I’m going to ask Allah if He wants me to keep on teaching. 

I’ve told you ALL that you NEED to know to get up and do something for yourself; so, you can’t walk around here sisters in holy garments practicing foolishness.

You’re going to CLEAN UP, or the WHIPPING is COMING! 

What’s going to happen? 

The INTENSITY of the WHIPPING is going to INCREASE. 

The weather is going to get WORSE, and the calamities are going to get WORSE. 

The White man is going to kill some more of us.

In fact about it, he’s preparing now to kill our young people." Farrakhan: How Strong is the Foundation

⚠️ America Could Have Been Saved And Given An Extra 300 Years...BUT....

The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, “IF you stay where you are, YOU WILL SUFFER the consequences. Just as a REMINDER, read the Bible, Jer. 50:46 and II Pet. 3:10. 

It is TERRIBLE, AWFUL and FRIGHTFUL, to look up and instead of seeing a blue sky, see a sky of FLAMES and FIRE. 

This will SURELY COME. 

Allah Master Fard Muhammad has affirmed this prophesy with me. The whole heavens will be blotted out and in its place there will be a canopy of flame. 

The heavens and elements that make up the atmosphere of the earth will MELT with fervent heat. 

There will be an explosion of the total atmosphere of the earth by God Himself. 

Take heed of it, for the Holy Qur’an says such a time as we are entering into now is a GRIEVOUS time. It will make children’s hair turn gray. 

If the grief and excitement will make children turn gray because of the terribleness of JUDGMENT, what do you think our hair will be doing? 

The Bible prophesies gray and baldness upon all heads. 

My people, stop thinking of sport and play and think over your life and the safety of your life.” Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Our Saviour Has Arrived 

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