What If War Broke Out Tomorrow?
⚠️ #DisasterPreparedness:
π¨ What If War Broke Out Tomorrow?
What If We Are Ordered, By God, To Stay In Our homes Until HE says come out?
What if during this War our Water is turned off, our electricity is turned off, our gas is turned off; In the Middle of the winter?
How long would you be able to survive when it's 40 below and you have no heat?
You ask, How Do I know if the War starts tomorrow?
I ask you, How do you know it's not?
Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns We MUST Have THREE Months of Food, Water, And Groceries IN our Homes.
This is Just a START. Stock up on what you normally eat. Just REMEMBER, #NavyBeans help our body fight radiation sickness. Not rice, not pasta, not lentils, Navy Beans.
Christ warns this War will go nuclear.
Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns The Major #Earthquake may destroy nuclear reactors in America causing much death.
We are going to want to have plenty Navy beans.
We Will Need At Least 90 GALLONS of Water.
90 POUNDS of Navy Beans(In Buckets)
25 POUNDS of Wheat Flour(In Buckets)
One GALLON of Olive oil or Corn Oil.
YEAST to make Bread
First Aid Supplies (Gauze, Neosporin, Medical tape, Medical scissors, Pain relief pills, sleep aid, Medical gloves (Non Latex)
At Least 30 pair of socks, undershirts, underwear, PER PERSON
Solar Lights
❗❗❗SEEDS for Garden(as soon as you can plant)
Figure out how you are going to cook IF you have no electricity and STOCK UP on 3 months of that.
We need 3 months of plastic forks/spoons/etc should they turn off our water and we cannot wash dishes.
Paper plates, bowls, etc
Food handling gloves
Hand Sanitizer
Pack a Go Bag
Safety Gloves, Boots, Safety Goggles.
If you have any questions about any aspect of preparing for the Destruction we face or need help finding something please ask. Karriemmuhammad19@yahoo.com
⭐⭐⭐Please share with all your family and friends
⭐⭐⭐If these posts help you Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert
π¨ What If War Broke Out Tomorrow?
What If We Are Ordered, By God, To Stay In Our homes Until HE says come out?
What if during this War our Water is turned off, our electricity is turned off, our gas is turned off; In the Middle of the winter?
How long would you be able to survive when it's 40 below and you have no heat?
You ask, How Do I know if the War starts tomorrow?
I ask you, How do you know it's not?
Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns We MUST Have THREE Months of Food, Water, And Groceries IN our Homes.
This is Just a START. Stock up on what you normally eat. Just REMEMBER, #NavyBeans help our body fight radiation sickness. Not rice, not pasta, not lentils, Navy Beans.
Christ warns this War will go nuclear.
Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns The Major #Earthquake may destroy nuclear reactors in America causing much death.
We are going to want to have plenty Navy beans.
We Will Need At Least 90 GALLONS of Water.
90 POUNDS of Navy Beans(In Buckets)
25 POUNDS of Wheat Flour(In Buckets)
One GALLON of Olive oil or Corn Oil.
YEAST to make Bread
First Aid Supplies (Gauze, Neosporin, Medical tape, Medical scissors, Pain relief pills, sleep aid, Medical gloves (Non Latex)
At Least 30 pair of socks, undershirts, underwear, PER PERSON
Solar Lights
❗❗❗SEEDS for Garden(as soon as you can plant)
Figure out how you are going to cook IF you have no electricity and STOCK UP on 3 months of that.
We need 3 months of plastic forks/spoons/etc should they turn off our water and we cannot wash dishes.
Paper plates, bowls, etc
Food handling gloves
Hand Sanitizer
Pack a Go Bag
Safety Gloves, Boots, Safety Goggles.
If you have any questions about any aspect of preparing for the Destruction we face or need help finding something please ask. Karriemmuhammad19@yahoo.com
⭐⭐⭐Please share with all your family and friends
⭐⭐⭐If these posts help you Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert
"On your walls, #NationofIslam, I #MasterFardMuhammad have set WATCHMEN; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put The Lord in remembrance, take no rest, Give the LORD no rest until He completes His work, until He MAKES The Nation of Islam The Pride of the Earth." Isaiah 62:6
$DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert
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