What God Came to Do, Destroy Satan's World

 #Kanye #JPMorgan #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns the #federalreserve is the Synagogue of Satan. The True And Living God, #MasterFardMuhammad, came to destroy satan. AS the federal reserve goes, the #banks will follow. And the economy collapses. 

Have you considered taking money out of your #401k, #stocks, or Savings and buying at least 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months worth of food/water/supplies for every member of your family?

Thats at LEAST 10 cases of water each.

At least 21 ONE lb bags of Navy Beans each

Are you seriously going to wait for your enemy to tell you that you are foolish to leave any money in your 401k? 

If you do you will lose it all.

Take the money and buy silver and gold.

Take that money and buy LAND.

Did you know there are places in Arkansas where we can get 2 acres of Land for $2,000?

Say you have 5 grand sitting in a 401k, and tomorrow,  because of what Trump is doing, China and Russia moves to crash the US economy. 

What happens to your 401k? 


It Vanishes!

It's no more. This is coming SOON. At any moment now.

Wealth in this country is an Illusion. 

THINK of your favorite wealthy athlete, rapper, or entertainer. 

In a few days, all of that wealth they THINK they have VANISHES.

And if they have not bought land, gold, silver, food, water, they will be standing in lines for soup soon.

Now imagine taking that same 5 grand, buying some land, buying some food and water, silver and gold. And then the dollar collapses.

But before the dollar crashed, you took it, and converted it into the things that we will need to survive. To keep our families alive.

All those who didn't,  they will simply watch their savings disappear.

They will run to the store to try and buy some food to survive,  but what used to take $3 to buy bread, now takes $100.

Can you Imagine having $50 Million in the bank and days later watching your babies starve because its worthless?

Have you considered Growing something in your yard? 

If You don't have a yard? 

Ask Grandma, Auntie, Ask somebody with a yard that's not doing anything with it if you can plant something that will help keep the FAMILY alive during this crisis.



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