⚠️ Have you considered there are Hypocrites, Wicked Undercover Agents of Our Open Enemy, that have been in the Ranks of The Nation of Islam since the early 70's?  For over 50 years PRETENDING to believe Master Fard Muhammad is God.  PRETENDING to Believe The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is the Living and Exalted Christ.  PRETENDING to believe Minister Farrakhan is the Messiah.  All while parading around in suits & bowties & MGT Uniforms smiling in our faces trying to kill the Messiah.  And They've had children.  Their children have had children. I used to wonder if the husband & wife are hypocrites/agents, and they have children,  could their children be Believers or would they be rotten like their parents.  I asked Allah about it. He guided me to this TV Show called "The Americans." The Americans is a show about two highly trained Russian Assasins/spies who were sent to America as a couple at a very young age, to get married, assimilate into the community, raise a family,  and spy & kill for Russia.  It's actually a very good show. If you can check out a few episodes.  So They ended up having two children. A boy & a girl. They hid from the children that they were spies.  The daughter found out. She became a spy too. Messiah @LouisFarrakhan asked us How Strong is Our Foundation? Soon the hypocrites are going to make their move. They've been promised help by the government.  The Believer is Backed by Allah, Christ, & the angels. But we must keep studying. Keep praying. Keep preparing, and strengthen our foundation so when the hypocrites rise up, we will be ready.  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches "TRUTH: The RIGHT Foundation that SUSTAINS life. I want you to THINK about TRUTH.  Allah says in the Qur'an that He created the heavens and the earth with TRUTH.  You are a creation of TRUTH.  If God built all of this and SUSTAINS it with TRUTH, how can you sustain your life living a lie? Brothers and sisters, when we want to look beautiful, we spend time in the mirror; we make sure our hair looks right, we smell right, we dress right, and then we come out to meet the people.  You are so Concerned about how you APPEAR, but appearance is NOT what you a


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