@minishmael said that Allah #MasterFardMuhammad will Bless the believers with so much money that we will be embarrassed to leave the house.😳 He said money will be coming in to us from EVERYWHERE. We will be saying, "Is this more money? Just set it over there." He said Christ warns us that Allah will give us so much money it will actually cause some believers to have heart attacks because of the SHOCK of the amounts.😱 Now if we will be GIVEN money on a scale like THAT, Can you IMAGINE what type of #Luxury has been prepared for us? Now that would be pretty cool wouldn't it? Here are some of the definitions of Luxury luxury NOUN 1: A state of great comfort or ELEGANCE, especially when involving GREAT EXPENSE. ‘he lived a life of luxury’ Synonyms 1.An inessential, desirable item which is EXPENSIVE or difficult to obtain. ‘luxuries like chocolate, scent, and fizzy wine’ More example sentences Synonyms 1.A pleasure obtained only rarely. ‘they actually had the luxury of a whole day together’ 1: a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort : sumptuous environmet lived in luxury 2a : something adding to pleasure or comfort but NOT absolutely necessary one of life's luxuries b : an indulgence in something that provides pleasure, satisfaction, or ease Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert #dailywarning106 #Luxury19


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