π― The Truth of 2023: Stop Lying
.The Messiah has been warning us about Making our word Bond. And he said many hide behind our word. We give our word never intending to keep our word.
We hide behind terms like "If it be the will of Allah."
So we can pretend it's God's fault we didn't keep our word. And after time as we repeatedly break our word then our word becomes WORTHLESS.
In this evil world, He said if we give our word, and sometimes things happen. For one reason or another, we forget or are not able to keep our word to another person, then we go to that person and tell them BEFORE our word expires.
Meaning, for example, if we tell someone we will pay them back some money we owe them by Friday, then Friday should not come without us paying them back or at least telling them we won't be able to keep our word, we will have to pay them back at a later date.
But some will not only not pay back the money, we will pretend we never borrowed anything. We broke our word. Now our word to that person means nothing.
So now the next time when we tell someone we are going to do something, there is not only doubt, but disbelief from the other person.
Our word becomes valueless. "Yeah right...I'll believe it when I see it."
These are the things people think when we talk because we repeatedly break our word.
We repeatedly lie.
One of the worst things to be known as is a liar.
To be known as A Brother or Sister who never keeps their word. That is close to death.
Some of us break our word so much the Messiah did a lecture teaching about Fear, Faith, & Truth.
Because it is fear and lack of faith that causes us to lie.
Unless we are just hypocrites. Because hypocrites are liars.
Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "All of us lie too much. If I tell you a lie, I’m robbing you of the truth! And if you believe my lie, and act on a lie, then I’m murdering the spirit! So a liar is a thief, and a murderer! And no liar, no thief, no murderer can find a way in The Kingdom of God! It looks like our mouths are bent in a lie. … I have found that we’ve got a lot of people that can speak well, but they don’t have any “character.” So if you’re the type of person that is “knocked out” by good words, you’ll always be knocked out because there’s people that can give you good words all day long! But do they have character? Do they have integrity? A liar can have neither.
“Seek ye first The Kingdom of God …” “The Kingdom of God” is built on Truth. But we just lie, and lie and lie, and there’s no reason for it!
Who is anybody that you should lie to them? Who is there to lie to if God, already The All-Seeing, The All-Knowing, knows the truth? So whether you want good character or not, that’s on you! I mean, if there was something that I failed to do, and you asked me, “Did you do it?” I would have to tell you, “No, brother. I’m sorry.” You may be disappointed in me, but it is better that you be disappointed in me, than me be disappointed in myself for lying!
If you lie, it starts eating at The Foundation of Character, because all character is built on truth, honesty and integrity. This is what too few of us have. Every time you lie, it’s like taking a sledgehammer, knocking The Foundation out from under your Good. Every lie breaks you down. Every truth builds you up.
Why do you lie? “Because I’m insecure; I am afraid of consequences, and therefore I lack faith in God.” So you see, all three of those words, fear, faith and truth, are related.
So I’m challenging us today: Stop Telling Lies! Stop Living Lies! When you would tell a lie, just think for a moment, and try forcing yourself to speak the truth. Every time you speak the truth, you get stronger in the truth! But every time you lie, and you know you’re lying, you just weaken yourself, because The Truth supports the Universe! A lie supports nothing.
And don’t exaggerate, because the moment you add to the truth, you take away from the truth, turning it into a lie.
Every time you lie, you undercut your ability to be what only Truth can make you into.
I hope and I pray that God will make us fearless. Can God make you fearless? He said, “Those who believe and are the doers of good to others, there is no fear for them nor shall they grieve.” And I heard Elijah Muhammad say, “They could bring 10,000 outside my door. I will not be afraid.” Why won’t you be afraid, Elijah? “Because God is with me, and as long as God is with me, there is no army that can defeat me.”
You have to know that God is with you, and He will prove to you that He is with you! If you are with Him and with Truth, God will take little things, and begin building your confidence in Him. And after awhile, He’ll keep on building your confidence until you just become so trusting in Him, that you don’t think anything or anyone can harm you except it pleases God, because The Arm of The Lord has been revealed to you.
And brothers, sisters, I can tell you: It is a wonderful feeling to be able to know that you can put your trust in God." #Farrakhan: Fear, Faith, & Truth
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