🕯 "We Have To Evolve" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan


 🕯 "We Have To Evolve" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

Question to Messiah @LouisFarrakhan: "Do you see a day when Whites will be allowed to join the Black Muslims? (NationofIslam)

Messiah Farrakhan answer: "YES. YES...

You know, I Must say this.

And some of my own Brothers may be shocked at this.

But you asked me a question and I have to answer you TRUTHFULLY.

If you LOOK at the message of #Jesus, it started FIRST very narrowly among the Lost sheep.

And Jesus was told, "Go ye not in the way of the Samaritans or in the way of the Gentiles; but to to Lost Sheep."

But then at a CERTAIN POINT he said, "Go ye into ALL the world. To EVERY Nation, Kindred, and tongue. "

IF you will LOOK at the Message of The Honorable #ElijahMuhammad it was FIRST directed to Black people because we were in the WORST condition.

But not only are we lost, the WHOLE HUMAN FAMILY is LOST.

And therefore the Message HAS to EVOLVE.

And WE Have to EVOLVE.

And I'll close that point by saying IN #Christ there is no Greek, nor Jew, no bond nor free, no male nor female. 

This means we're ALL going to have to GROW OUT of rabid nationalism, sexism, racism, materialism; in order to CLAIM Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour." Farrakhan on Donahue 10/6/95



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