⚠️ When It's Too Late to Hide: Our Righteousness Shall Sustain Us

 #NationofIslam #FOI #MGT #tornado #hurricane #flood #hail #winds #fire

⚠️ When It's Too Late to Hide: Our Righteousness Shall Sustain Us 

🚨 These destructive storms are increasing more and more intensity. 

I believe there may be a Cataclysmic tornado outbreak over The Major cities very soon. Because The other day I had a dream that BUNCH of tornados hit the city, Detroit. 

 But it wasn't one tornado, it was a bunch of them all tearing the city up at the same time.

 It seemed so real, looking up at the dark gray sky and seeing nothing but tornados reaching to the ground all over each parts of the city.

 It was Similar like this picture. 

But imagine this in Detroit. I could hear people screaming, and at first I was trying to run and take cover, but then I just stopped,  because there were so many tornados, so very close, it was too late to hide....

and WHEN I looked up, and that's what I saw, like in that picture. 

 I was a little 😱 at first. 

But then I was like I know WHO controls these tornadoes and He knows I'm standing right here. He said He will protect us.

I remember The Messiah was teaching once and a tornado was on the ground not to far from where he was. So they were letting him know about it and he was like, in essence, That tornado ain't coming for me!!, and he kept on teaching. 

Houses on both sides of me were being destroyed. And the tornado was so close but the winds never reached me.

To stand facing something that powerful that can take you out in seconds...

What gun or weapon you have that can stop a tornado or Hail storm dropping 100 pound blocks of ice on your head?

The Time of Great Destruction is still being held back...for a Time.

We must use this time to repent AND prepare. 

Because WHEN The Full Magnitude of Allah's Wrath is unleashed on America,  it will be too late to hide. It will be TOO LATE to repent, meaning to avert Chastisement. 

Until we are dead we have time to repent. But to be put on THAT list of those who will be removed before that destruction starts, we must repent right now.

The Messiah teaches there is NOTHING we have done that Allah won't forgive us for. IF we repent in TIME. Otherwise we will be killed.

Only our Righteousness Shall Sustain Us.

Because Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns: 
"Believers: I want us to know that it is not #ElijahMuhammad or I who have asked you, on our own, to not carry a weapon in your homes or on your person--not even so much as a penknife. 

Because #Allah #MasterFardMuhammad said from His Mouth that He WILL be our Defender AND our Protector....

And Allah say's in the Quran that IF there is One of you steadfast, He will put to flight 10; if there are 2 of us steadfast, we will put to flight 20

So the STEADFASTNESS of the believer, and The FAITH that we EXERCISE in God's ABILITY to Defend and Protect us, is How we're going to get through The HOUR that is in front of us.

Every nation on the earth is arming to the teeth except The Nation of Islam under The Guidance of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad! 

We don't need carnal weapons!

And WHEN God ORDERS us, then it is our DUTY, IF we are #Muslims, to SUBMIT to The Will of God and TRUST in Him that He Will take us SUCCESSFULLY from Point A to Point B...

We are NOT to Violate what The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has given us as an ORDER.


And while others may look at us being unarmed, THINKING that we are an "easy prey": Not so, when we have One Guarding us, Guiding us, and Watching over us Who Has Power over ALL THINGS.

Believers! Your Weapon today is Righteousness!

Your Weapon today is COMPLETE Faith and Trust in Allah!" #Farrakhan: Your Righteousness Shall Sustain You 

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