π― But First Make A Small Loaf of Bread For Me
#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC
π― But First Make A Small Loaf of Bread For Me
⭐️ "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the MULTITUDE of sins." 1 Peter 4:8
"But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me…" 1 Kings 13
⭐️ In Times of War Not Everyone is Able To Fight on The Front Lines. But they still contribute by sending bullets, weapons, resources & equipment, money to the front lines to help those who are fighting to continue to fight.
The Watchmen on the Wall can't come down off the wall for supplies because it leaves an opening where no one is watching.
So provisions are delivered to those who watch.
π― I ABSOLUTELY Understand we are all under Intense Trials right now. Some are barely holding on, But Allah has a Firm Grip on The Believers. Trust Him, Trust His Plan.
Many barely have little to nothing.
In the Bible (1 Kings 17:7) It teaches us Allah sent a #Famine on the people of #Zarephath.
The people were literally starving to death, bodies in the streets. Everyone there was starving. Like many of us, while we may not be on the verge of death, most of our intense trials spring forth from a season of Famine in our lives right now.
So in the book of Kings it teaches us Allah sent His Prophet Elijah to Zarephath. Allah told him there was a woman there who would feed him.
Now Before God even told Elijah to go there, He already prepared a place for him to eat and drink before He got there. Before he left to go.
And #MasterFardMuhammad is doing the same with us now.
Before we ever entered into this Time of Severe trial, Allah has prepared a table for us.
So while we can see no end in sight, Allah has already answered our prayers and has prepared something wonderful for all who are obedient, STEADFAST, CONSISTENTLY never giving up.
When Elijah found the woman Allah told him would feed him, she told him she couldn't do it. She told him she barely had enough food left to feed her and her son one last time, then they would die.
Elijah told her IF she would make just a little bit of food for him FIRST, Allah will take care of her and her son.
So in the middle of a devastating Famine where people were dropping, falling away, She gave Elijah some of her LAST.
Just like When The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said he donated his LAST dime when he first heard The Saviour speak. He said he gave his last dime and he had a wife at home hungry.
Later, as MasterFardMuhammad was teaching #ElijahMuhammad. He reminded The Honorable Elijah Muhammad of his sacrifice, that dime he donations.
Allah doesn't miss anything we do, good or bad, and does not forget anything, except for our sins AFTER we repent.
He just tosses that made into the sea of forgetfulness.
And just like Elijah promised, while others were suffering, that woman and her son had food BECAUSE she helped the Servant of God.
God sent Elijah to that woman to TEST her #Faith in the midst of Death and Destruction like Allah today is sending people to us, to try our Islam and faith in Him No Matter What the circumstances.
Steadfast Consistency
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Only IF you are able, I'm asking If you would make a Ten Dollar Donation Today?
If most of you on this email list sent just TEN dollars each, I'll be able to get some of the equipment I need And Allah will reward you for Helping in this cause.
Some say you can't buy your way into #Heaven. But we can get the next best thing, having our SINS ERASED.
Do you have some terrible thing you did in the past? Even if it was yesterday, We can have those sins erased so WHEN Allah's Wrath comes down in full, the weight of all the evil we have done won't weigh us down.
Thank You for reading these words and please share this with ALL your family and friends.
Please send donations to either VENMO @watcher19mrt paypal.me/doomalert cashapp $doomalert
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