🚨 If We Want To Go We Are Going To Have To Lose The Weight!


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Diet #Weightloss #Departure #Farrakhan #ufo #TheWheel #Motherplane #HowToEatToLive #Eattolive #Dietary


⚠️ It Is Almost TIME for SOME of us to Leave. And We Will NOT even be included in that number IF we are overweight.


⭐️ IF we want to Go, It is TIME for COMPLETE Obedience & Mastery of "How to Eat to Live."

⚠️ #Diet #Weightloss @DrAvaMuhammad warns "#Obesity is a IMPEDIMENT to #beauty

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated that with EVERY POUND of EXCESS WEIGHT we lose one percent of beauty. 

So if we are 20 pounds overweight, meaning that our weight is 20 pounds above that which are height and frame was designed to carry, then we are at 80 percent of our beauty. 

At fifty pounds overweight we are only on half of what we could and should be. 

At a hundrend pounds overweight we have COMPLETELY LOST ALL OUR BEAUTY.

We are not in ANY WAY what Allah GOD can declare beautiful or FULL of BEAUTY." Minister Ava Muhammad: Naturally #Beautiful

Mother Tynnetta warns "We Have To Be Right: IF we are to survive, #obesity and FAT has got to GO. 

And it is no laughing matter because the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said we will be given, in our taking away, on our escape, we will be given only 3 cubic inches of air space to breath. 

And WHEN we are rescued, IF you are overweight, there will be certain soldiers or persons that will take you to a little hatch, im talking about planes now, and they would open it up and OUT you would go. 

That's hard isn't it? 

That's very hard. 

Do you know what the weight was that we used to have to weigh in at? 

122 POUNDS, and depending on the frame and the structure 128, but not over. 

We had to be in the 120 mark and that is to SAVE our LIFE. 

That was the bottom line of the fat problem that we have developed in our community is all about. 

We will NOT be ACCEPTABLE by God #MasterFardMuhammad." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad Significance of Total Solar Eclipse 

😷 The Angel Brother Jabril warns "I'm going to talk about FAT people for a minute. That Got Something to do with Hypocrisy. 

(Pointing to Laborer) He's too Fat! 

He's Leading you all into FATNESS! 

And that's the Captain! 

Fat Captain, Fat congregation. 

Now I Know You're rich. You are the richest Mosque in terms of talent on the planet. 

But you're also RICH with FAT! 

There are six sisters in #Phoenix AZ that I Love. I call them "Sister Blimp" to their face. 

I found out what FAT is about. 

I went all the way up to 165 lbs and that ain't nothing. But for me that's a whole bunch of FAT. 

That's 18 pounds beyond center for me. 

I should weigh about 147 in shape or out of shape. 

But not no 165 that's ridiculous, for me. 

It may not be ridiculous for you. 

You might be 6ft 5, and got big bones, but you shouldn't weigh 300 pounds. 

Now I'm sorry I'm going to talk about your FAT for a minute. 

Take it or leave it. 

You can run out if you want to. 

But you gone have to LOSE THE WEIGHT or you NOT going to see the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Minister Louis #Farrakhan warned everybody about FAT and you said, "I loved it Khan but I ain't going to lose it." 

Ain't that what you said? 

Yes you did because you kept on scarfing. 

What's the ROOT of your FAT? 

You HATE Yourself. 

Some of yall were NEVER that fat. 

You become a Muslim and THEN GET FAT?

You didn't handle the grave, and now the new thing. 

You want to bring the old into the new. 

Leave the grave behind! 

Some of you Sister want to wallow in self pity! 

What they did, what she did, to Hell with that! 

Look, if your father molested you, that's YESTERDAY! 


Allah says in the Bible He would take our sins, put them in a burlap bag and throw them into the sea of forgetfulness. 

Why Don't you participate with God and get rid of yesterday? 

Part of the problem with this Mosque is you're HOLDING onto to CRAP you did to yesterday! 

To Hell With That! 

Why the hell you living in yesterday? 

You can't eat yesterdays meal! 

You cant live in the past!" Brother Jabril Muhammad: The Disease of #Obesity 

Mother Tynnetta Warns "A few select students, if I may use that word, who are working and studying on their assignment given to us to study by The Master (#MasterFardMuhammad), that WILL be TAKEN OUT. 

These are The Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in "Our Saviour Has Arrived" and other writings, #TableTalks of Muhammad. 

He said they would be taken out and they would meet again with The Lamb on Mt. Zion. 

And he said in "Our Saviour Has Arrived" that Mt. Zion represents a foreign shore. A place OUTSIDE of the house of bondage. 

He would not descend back into hell but we would have to ascend, or be lifted up, or taken out of hell in order to be with him again. 

That is your root of your 144,000 who are Sealed in their heads with the Name of their Father. 

So it can't be someone who doesn't know who God is. 

It can't be one who wants to keep thinking He's a SPOOK. 

A SPOOK doesn't have a name that you can write. 

So something BIG is about to take place. 

And there will be a handful who MAY be BLESSED by Almighty God Allah to be taken out FIRST. 

Not only, but FIRST. 

This is what The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said. 

He said even the most unwilling, obstinate, and stubborn among us would be taken out at a particular time. 

And we too would be taken to a certain place. And he mentions the parallel between these places and Mother Africa. 

He said if we want to have a real understanding of what our civilization looked like in the past, he said study the monuments in Egypt...

 We have got to WAKE UP Brothers and Sisters. Because The TIME of CHANGE is so near. 

But all would not suffer because of the ignorance of the Masses. 

Those who are STRIVING TO MAKE IT will not forever be among the biggots, the hypocrites, and the wicked. 

Do you understand? And each one is being tapped from among us, TESTING us, as The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said you'll hear a little BELL, a little RING in the ear, that means someone is trying to get in touch with you. 

And he even said me or someone else. 

So all of you are in for a SHOCK who think that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is dead." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: The Wisdom Given to the Bottom

Brother Jabril warns "MOST OF US are not going to see that ‪‎God‬ #MasterFardMuhammad has really come until this country(#USA) has been brought low; Until the white man has lost his power. 

THEN, MOST of us will SEE. 

The LUCKY ONES will see spiritually PRIOR(meaning BEFORE) to that.

And THOSE are the ones who SHALL BE HIDDEN in the days of God’s WRATH.

Which will break out not long after Minister Farrakhan departs, and that’s VERY SOON.” Brother Jabril Muhammad : Betrayal and it's Antidote

⭐️ The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches "Fasting IS THE CURE for 90% of our ills.... 

"FASTING is a GREATER CURE of our ills, both MENTAL and PHYSICAL, than ALL of the drugs of the earth COMBINED into one bottle or a BILLION bottles. 

#Allah (God), in the Person of #MasterFardMuhammad, has taught me that FASTING, with the right kind of food, is the CURE for our ills. 

He has said to me that there is NO CURE in drugs and medicine. 

And this the world is now learning. 

We can take medicine ALL of our lives until it kills us (yet, we are still ailing with the same old diseases). 

The bad foods and drinks that we are putting into our bodies KEEP us a victim to illness. 

There are very few nice doctors who like to tell you that drugs are NOT GOOD for you, because they paid for their learning and want to keep practicing. 

But "HOW TO EAT TO LIVE" is what we want to KNOW and have wanted to know all of our lives. 

All men and women WANT to KNOW how they can PROLONG their lives. 

Nature teaches us to stay here in this life as long as we can. 

Nature has never taught anyone that he should leave this life and find another one somewhere else, because we only have ONE life. 

And, if this life is destroyed, we would have a hard time trying to get more life, it is impossible. 

So try to keep this life that you have as long as possible. Go when you cannot stay here any longer. 

Allah taught me that ONE MEAL A DAY would keep us here for a LONG time; we would live over 100 years. 

Eating one meal every TWO days would lengthen our lives just that much longer. 

He said to me that you would NEVER be sick, eating one meal every THREE days. 

The fact that FASTING is the cure for 90 percent of our ills is KNOWN  by the medical scientists. 

But, they do not teach you that." Hon #ElijahMuhammad: How to Eat to Live

⭐️ The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches "There are TWO certain places on our Earth that I want to tell you about....

Since the Time is just about right to drop the bombs from that Plane (#TheWheel)  to destroy our enemies(America), I am going to SOON tell you. 

There are TWO places on our planet that have been MADE for the PURPOSE of HIDING people and they can stay there a long, long time.

And you will NEVER know they are there." Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Theology of Time�

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