π¨ Beware: The Final Strike
#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC
π¨ "I Will Not Forget What You Have Done, And Are Doing, To Hurt Me!" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan
π¨ KORAH: Humiliated, Now They HATE Farrakhan! The Rise of Judas
⚠️ "...who are the enemy to him and his Nation; and WHY the enemy and Righteous could NOT live together…”
"For it is IMPOSSIBLE to bring back to repentance those who were once enlightened by The Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad —those who have experienced the good things of what his Teachings Produce: Heaven, and shared in the Holy Spirit, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan…
Who have tasted the goodness of the Word of Our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, and THE POWER of the Future to come—and who then turn away from God. It is IMPOSSIBLE to bring such people back to repentance; by rejecting the Son of God, they themselves are nailing him to the cross once again and holding him up to public shame." Hebrews 6:4
"Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the LIVING God Master Fard Muhammad." Hebrews 3:12
"At that time MANY will FALL AWAY and will betray one another and HATE one another." Matthew 24:12
"But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful disbelievers, hypocrites, & Agents," 1 Timothy 4:1
“You who have forsaken Me,” declares The Lord #MasterFardMuhammad:
“You KEEP going backward.
So I will stretch out My hand against you and DESTROY you;
I am TIRED of relenting!" Jeremiah 15:6
We are IN The Time of The FALLING AWAY.
Many are FALLING AWAY from Messiah @LouisFarrakhan.
And this is not a hidden secret thing.
They are OPENLY Falling Away from Him, Falling Away From What he teaches, Falling Away From How he teaches; OPENLY rejecting Restrictive Laws and Rules of Conduct.
THE MOMENT WE NOTICE this behavior we must get FAR AWAY from these sick, evil people.
Some do it under "joking" or "kidding."
They are deadly serious.
π¨ If We continue to show them respect & love over the Messenger God sent to deliver us THEN we BECOME enemies of God and Christ, A part of that Most Hated Group.
Korah was an enemy of God.
Korah was envious of Moses and Aaron.
They humiliated him. He started his own group.
He was warned to stand down and submit to The Messiah. He refused. A few foolish weak believers and hypocrites went with him.
WHEN God got tired of this hypocrite, God did not just KILL him, God Killed EVERY man, woman, and child who rebelled with Korah.
Allah has blinded the hypocrites.
They can't even see anymore; they are rushing full speed into being killed by The Saviour.
π― But the weak believer, you better be very sure that group you are a part of is FULLY Approved by Messiah @LouisFarrakhan or you will be going with Korah's hypocrites very soon.
AND what if your spouse, your child, or your mother or sister is a part of this evil group of hypocrites?
Someone asked The Minister once when a family member who we live with turns hypocrite, do we have to give them the greetings?
He said we did not have to.
He was like as long as we have to live in the same house we CAN be cordial being around them without being WITH them.
So once they make it known they don't believe anymore don't be all up in their face like nothing has changed.
They are headed towards a Terrible Chastisement and we are going wherever Allah has Prepared for us.
The Day of Separation; The Falling Away.
And how we respond to the Korahs and Judas's in our lives dictates IF we continue on with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Because Messiah @LouisFarrakhan does not love everybody.
And he hates hypocrites.
When someone turns hypocrite and you continue to show them love, he hates you TOO.
"I hate hypocrites as MUCH as Allah Does!" Honorable Elijah Muhammad
I was talking to this FOI once. He looked like all the life had been sucked out of him. He was truly sad. He said his wife(MGT) of over 10 years had just told him she had NEVER believed in The Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
⚠️ (Just because someone has been in The Teachings a long time means NOTHING when they turn against what we are taught)
She said she only joined because he did and she was done pretending.
She was taking the children and leaving him moving across the country, and the only way she would get back with him is if he left The city and The Mosque.
For the next hour I literally read to him everything I had from The Honorable Elijah Muhammad on how he should respond to her.
I told him the story of how The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's own son told him the same thing.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns us that when a family member turns hypocrite all the love we had for them is GONE at ONCE.
That is Divine Law.
When the brother left the house that day I could see it in his face he was going after his wife. He was going to chase after a hypocrite.
And he left.
They eventually did get divorced. But after Allah used her to chastise the hell out of him first.
π¨π¨π¨ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns to SEPARATE from a WICKED spouse: "You CAN'T have a GOOD family IF you are the Head of the house and you’re in rebellion(to God).
Who is going to guide the wife IF the head of the house is a REBEL?
Most good women that marry no-good men, DO NOT STAY GOOD.
In order for them to stay good, they have to GET AWAY from what is no-good.
IF a woman marries a man that is no-good, watch how fast he takes her down.
The Honorable ElijahMuhammad said, “There’s no such thing as a no-good woman. Every woman that is no good, was MADE no good by a no-good man.”
So, don’t think, Sisters, that you can hold on to what is no good and reform it.
Once that #marriage and relationship starts going bad, it starts IMPOSING BAD on you.
So, you are always put in the valley of decision, with a no-good man. “Do I want to continue until he makes me as rotten as he is?
Or do I want to make a decision for my life and my children?”
I’m not encouraging divorce; Allah (God) IS!
Because He said in the Bible, “Two would be lying in bed and He’ll TAKE ONE and LEAVE ONE.”
I didn’t say it.
Jesus, the Son of Man said, “Think not that I come to bring peace, nay a sword. I come to set the mother-in-law at odds with the son-in-law” and “They of a man’s own household will be his WORST enemy.”
Allah (God) is not interested in unity with the wicked.
So, even though I love you all, and would love to see you united, reality says that, if you are going to choose the way of the enemy, GO TO HELL with the enemy.
Now, in the Book of Isaiah, we read of a human being that is crushed now under the culture of death.
So, he is looking for relief.
Who is going to relieve you from the culture of death?" #Farrakhan Good News, Guidance, and a warning
"Lesson #1 lays the Base of our Work today; and gives the Student a Clear Knowledge of Himself and His Heavenly Home, the Best Part of the Earth; and who are the enemy to him and his Nation; and why the enemy and Righteous could not live together…”
π¨ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "It is BETTER to be ALONE than to be in the company of fools.
It is BETTER for you to CUT OFF the relationship with somebody you KNOW damn well does NOT LIKE what you believe.
You want to take charge of your post?
Bless you. IF you OBEY what I say you will be BLESSED.
I'm telling you, CUT OFF the relationship!
"But I love him. But I love her." π
You do? π€¨
How can you love something that don't love what you say you love? π€
Then either you LYING, that you really don't love Islam.
The Qur'an says if you love your mother, your father, your sisters, your brother, your near of kin; business whose dullness you fear. If you love that more than you love ALLAH, Then WAIT till His #MasterFardMuhammad command comes to pass.
You should love NOTHING above God!
Jesus said love God with ALL your HEART, SOUL, and MIND!
And the second is like unto it, love your neighbor as yourself.
The man asked "Who is my neighbor?"
And Jesus ran it on him.
I ain't got time.
Your neighbor does not mean somebody near to you in terms of kinship or blood.
Your NEIGHBOR is one who is NEAR to you in FAITH." #Farrakhan
Honorable #ElijahMuhammad
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