⚠️ Thank Him Now Because It's Here!


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC


⭐️ Dear Believers,

The Saviour, #MasterFardMuhammad, Has A Special Place For us. 

And because some of us are presently in what we believe to be impossible living situations, we Must KNOW HE has prepared a Special Place for us.

Some of us live with disbelievers. 

And some of us, even worse. We live with hypocrites. 

In Most cases, To have people mock you can leave a very bitter taste.

And Some of us have to live with people who MOCK us for following Messiah @LouisFarrakhan. 

They mock us for even believing he is the Messiah. 

They mock us for believing The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is alive. 

They mock us for believing He is #Christ. 

They mock us for believing Master Fard Muhammad is God. 

The Minister warned us on March 1, 2020, at the end of his talk, that this was coming.

After all this time have you ever Considered why He mentioned that about our families now?

For some of us, they openly mistreat us because they hate what we believe in.

And the underlying tone in their mistreatment of us is, "If Master Fard Muhammad is God, if He is so powerful, why doesn't He help you get your own place? 

Why doesn't He help you in your situation? 

I don't believe in your God and I have a place, and you don't."

They don't say this of course, it's inferred in every interaction with us.

Ignore their annoying talk and Thank Allah for the Special Place He has For us. 

Thank Him now, because it's coming soon.

He Will Fulfill His Promise To Us. Every Promise of #Luxury, #Money, #GoodHomes, Friendships.

This suffering we are going through, at the hands of disbelievers and hypocrites, is almost over.

Study Hannah in The Bible. See what Allah brought forth from her by allowing her to suffer from the hurtful words of the other wife.

He's going to bring us to The Special Place He has for us. And we won't even have to stress out about Uhaul. 

Christ teaches us The Saviour will soon say to the angels of His, "Go and BRING EVERYONE That is Called by My Name. I created them for My Own Self, My Own Glory." Master Fard Muhammad 

"I will certainly bring My people back again from all the countries where I will scatter them in My fury. I will bring them back to this very city and let them live in peace and safety." Jeremiah 32:37

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Please send donations to either VENMO @watcher19mrt paypal.me/doomalert or cashapp $DOOMALERT 


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