Instruments of Saviours: Technology From The Wheel: Right Down To The Modern Times
#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC
Instruments of Saviours: Technology From The Wheel: Right Down To The Modern Times
Many years ago when I first came into the Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad I had a Vision of The Messiah @LouisFarrakhan. This had to be the Late 90’s, and back then hardly anyone knew who he really was.
The Believers just knew he was a Messenger of God.
All I knew back then, and to this very second, is I wanted to help him.
In the Vision I was at my house, hundreds of miles away. It was night. And I was taken up, flying across the sky to Chicago.
Next I am at the National House. In his office. Standing before him while he was at his desk.
His office was darkened. It appeared the only light on at the time was candle light. Or the lights were so low it appeared like candles.
He never looked up at me. He never acknowledged that I was even there.
On his desk was a bunch of very old telephones. I mean really old. And he had a tiny paintbrush in his hand.
He was painting the cords to the telephone. Not the actual phone part, just the cords connected to each phone.
He was very focused on what he was doing. You could see in his face how important it was to him.
I asked him if I could help him.
He looked up and sternly said “No!”
I was crushed. Because all I had been doing up to that point, and all I ever wanted to do, was help him.
I flew away from his office.
I’m going to help him anyway.
About a block away I saw a white van.
I could see through the van, and there were agents recording everything going on at The National House.
I felt so angry. And that is when my intense hatred for hypocrites and agents really began.
I thought about that vision because years later I had a Vision of the return of The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad; Space is limited here but if you want to read that one let me know.
But at one point in that vision I was maybe two feet away from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. And I was so excited to see him, but I knew no one would believe me just from me telling it. I wanted to take a photo with my phone.
So I’m looking down at my phone trying to get the camera to come up. But there was just like bunch of colors spinning in a circle. It was like being that close to him was overpowering my phone.
Then he stopped his speech and looked directly down at me. He said, “Brother, you need a new camera.” Referring to my cellphone that had all the colors swirling on the screen.
Two different Visions, both about phones. Years apart with advancements in technology. And colors, one of the things Christ said we should have a knowledge of to be an effective Minister.
And all these years later I use a phone to help spread the Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad to the ends of the earth.
When I first started doing this there were very few smart phone in the public. I was using an old flip phone without touch screen. I would send out alerts via text messages.
What brought all this to mind was as you all know I’ve been trying to raise money because I need new phones, tablets, etc.
So I was praying and I asked Allah, I was like a child begging His Father for help, I said, “Allah I’m trying to be obedient to Christ. Will you please help me get a new phone?”
If you benefit from the wotk I do, can help in any way....
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Thank you 🙏🏿
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