
Showing posts from November, 2023

😱 That Bitter Pill: Blinded In Hypocrisy 🫣

  "England is Going to TRICK America into War." Honorable #ElijahMuhammad  ⚠️ #WATCH 😱 That Bitter Pill: Blinded In Hypocrisy 🫣 The head of President Zelensky’s parliamentary faction, #DavidArakhamia, has said #Russia would have been ready to stop the fighting if #Ukraine had agreed to REMAIN NEUTRAL. Meaning No NATO #RussiaUkraineWar #ww3 #Armageddon 

πŸ•― Leave The World Behind

#poweroutage #Blackout  Leave The World Behind   ⚠️ The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns One day very soon the electricity is going to go out in America. There will be no power. No internet. No social media. No cellphones.  πŸ•―Have you considered 2 way radios?  Have you Considered Satellite Phones?  Have you Considered portable ham radios? They reach a greater distance than regular 2 way radios It may not even be a Natural Disaster that takes out the power in America. We may not experience any storms or earthquake.  We may not hear anything but the deafening silence of no electricity.  It could be one of America's enemies (EMP)  It could be The Wheel.  During The Blackout of 1965 there were many "ufo" sightings BEFORE the lights went out. (UFOS And The 1965 BlackOut: ) It could come from storms from the sun. (#solarflare #cme) If this happens in the summer, a...

⚠️ IF You THINK You Have White Friends... Bring up Slavery & Reparations For Black People. Try it and see... 🫣

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Reparations #silver #gold ⚠️ IF You THINK You Have White Friends...🀯 Bring up Slavery & Reparations For Our People. Try it and see... 🫣  πŸš¨ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "America did detain thousands of #Japanese-Americans in concentration camps (#WWII) and CONFISCATED their property.  Now Congress says America treated the Japanese-Americans WRONGLY and have okayed several BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to be paid to the Japanese in #REPARATIONS. The #Germans RECOGNIZE the EVIL that THEY DID to the Jews, and RIGHT NOW they are PAYING REPARATIONS to #Israel.  East Germany wanted to unite with West Germany and in order to do so, they REPENTED and stated their intentions to pay Israel REPARATIONS. "We ask the Jews of the world to forgive us," the East #German parliament said in a formal statement.  "We ask the people of Israel to FORGIVE US for the HYPOCRISY and HOSTILITY of official East German policy toward Israel, and for the persecution an...

⚠️ We Will Be Falsely Charged

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC  ⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "As the WAR widens, the enemy becomes more upset. Muslims are going to be PERSECUTED.  Black people and others who are AGAINST the war will be persecuted.  Detention camps have already been set up.  Christians who know us (NationofIslam) and have experienced us, KNOW that we are NOT TERRORISTS.  YET, we will be FALSELY charged." Farrakhan 4/8/07 Mosque Maryam

⭐️ In This Time Of The Great War

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC  πŸ•―  In This Time Of INTENSE DARKNESS And The Great War of Armageddon  ⚠️  In Times of War Not Everyone is Able To Fight on The Front Lines. But they still contribute to the war efforts by supporting the soldiers on the front lines.  By sending letters of encouragement, bullets, weapons, resources & equipment, and money to the front lines to help those who are fighting to continue to fight. The Watchmen on the Wall can't come down off the wall for supplies because it leaves an opening where no one is watching.  So care packages, provisions are delivered to those who watch. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ IF you find help or benefit from these posts, and you are able,  please send whatever God puts on your heart to give, and donations to either VENMO @watcher19mrt, or cashapp $DOOMALERT 

πŸ›Έ The Power of The Motherplane

  #Motherplane #TheWheel #Mothership #ufo πŸ›Έ The Power of The Wheel (Motherplane) ⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "The Motherplane (The Wheel) is so POWERFUL, that with SOUND reverberating in the atmosphere,  JUST with a SOUND,  She can CRUMBLE BUILDINGS" Farrakhan Divine Destruction of America  Please send donations to either VENMO @watcher19mrt $DOOMALERT 

⚠️ "I Stand Alone!" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC  "I Stand Alone!" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan 🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns , “I stand alone! So help me God!  All of you can leave me!  Don't mean a damn thing to me! I'm telling you.   You ain't doing me NO favor by standing with me.  You doing yourself a favor!  HEAR ME WELL!!  No, no, listen!  I'm not begging you for your help.  I'm Asking you to help me.  But IF you DON'T help me, I'll do like my Father.  I'll petition God ( Master Fard Muhammad ) to SEND me somebody.  And He'll remove you and bring better than you in your place.  He's Independent!  So I don't beg NOBODY for NOTHING! That's my point!” #Farrakhan

☢️ Fallout: The Only Way To Make It: Enduring To The End

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Messiah #LouisFarrakhan ⚠️ ☢️ Fallout: The Only Way To Make It: Enduring To The End ⚠️ Have You Considered in Bible The ONLY 2 PEOPLE Jesus teaches us to REMEMBER is Lot's Wife, and himself.  Why would God tell us to REMEMBER a hypocrite?  Why would the Messiah Warn Us to REMEMBER a woman who loved this evil and wicked world so much, she rejected even the angels of God and turned back? 🚨 Have you considered, According to Bible, The Only Woman Jesus warns us to REMEMBER is only known for ONE THING? ⭐️ #MasterFardMuhammad Is Keeping All His Promises While Many Are Breaking EVERY Promise We Ever Made to Him.πŸ™ƒ The Crazy Part Is The Saviour is Doing EVERYTHING He said He Would Do: He's Hiding Us, Keeping Us Safe From Harm, WHILE We Complain About OUR Plans… ⚠️ πŸŒͺπŸŒͺπŸŒͺπŸŒͺ🌊Have You Ever Considered Why The Bible warns us about THIS Time, “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall...

⚠️ The Crime of Blasphemy Against Messiah @LouisFarrakhan: The Unforgivable Sin, & The Anti-Christ

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #SD2025 #SavioursDay2025 #MasterFardMuhammad #Antichrist #Blasphemy #Gaza   πŸ•― If We Are To Survive The Destruction God Will SOON Unleash Down on America, We Have To Evolve~ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan ⚠️ The Crime of Blasphemy Against Messiah @LouisFarrakhan: The Unforgivable Sin, And The Anti-Christ πŸ•―️ "But the Advocate, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, the Holy Spirit, whom The Father, #MasterFardMuhammad, will send in my ( #ElijahMuhammad) name, will teach you all things and will REMIND you of everything I have said to you." John 14:26 "For the majority of Christian denominations, the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, is believed to be the third PERSON of the Trinity." Wikipedia "Therefore go and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Master Fard Muhammad, and of the Son, Elijah Muhammad, and of the Holy Spirit, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan," Matthew 28:19 ⚠️ "Who is the LIAR? It is WHOEVER DENIES that The...

πŸ•―️ Why The Long Wait?

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC Why The Long Wait? πŸ•―️ "Waiting is so hard that the Bible says, 'They that WAIT upon the Lord shall RENEW their STRENGTH.' That means you Expend Energy just WAITING!!!  I'm Just Waiting! I'm just Waiting! I'm TIRED from WAITING!!  I'm Weak from WAITING!  I need revival Just to WAIT!" @bishopjakes  "He #MasterFardMuhammad gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youth's will become weak and tired, and young men will FALL in EXHAUSTION. But they that WAIT upon the LORD shall RENEW their STRENGTH; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:29 "O you who believe, seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient." Holy Quran 2:153 "Seek Assistance Through #Patience and #Prayer. That is HARD except for the Humble ones. Who KNOW ...


  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #TheBlackExodus Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "God #MasterFardMuhammad INTENDS to Free Us(Blacks in πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ): In the Book of Isaiah, it asks the question, “Should the prey be TAKEN from the mighty and the lawful captive delivered?”  This is the BIG question.  God INTENDS to TAKE us from our former slave masters and their children. EVEN if we don’t want to go.  Because He’s closing down any avenue by which any sustenance can come to your slave master. The founding fathers of what is called the United States of America, DEMANDED SEPARATION.  They DEMANDED separation from their tyrannical masters.  They and their leaders had irreconcilable perceptions of justice that made co-existence with their former colonial master impossible.  In their Declaration of Independence, they charge King George with harassing their people, putting a brutal army among them, with cutting off their trade with all parts of the world, with unfair taxati...