⚠️ They Could Smell The Tsunami In The Air


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #earthquake #tsunami

They Could Smell The Tsunami In The Air

🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "We are in the TIME of the setting of the sun on the present world and its rulers.

Because this world and its rulers have ruled contrary to the law and will of Almighty God, Allah.

So even though Allah (God) permitted the present rulers a season, He set a TIME for the demise of their world.

Both the Holy Qur’an and the Bible tell of prophecies of an hour when the Chastisement of Allah (God) on the people would be SEVERE.

In the Holy Qur’an, it reads: “The SHOCK of the HOUR is a grievous thing. The day you see it, every woman giving suck will forget her suckling and every pregnant one will lay down her burden. And you will see children grey-headed and you will see men as though they were drunken, but they will not be drunk, but the Chastisement of Allah will be SEVERE.”

The recent tsunami that we have witnessed in the Indian Ocean started with an earthquake, where the tectonic plates at the floor of the ocean moved, which created a vibration that set off the earthquake, which set off the tsunami and tidal waves that affected 11 countries. 

“By the time, surely man is in loss.” 

Allah (God) is saying that there is a time—now.

The Bible says it differently: “For everything that is done under the sun, there is a TIME and a season and a purpose. 

There is aTIME  to be born. 

There is TIME e to die. 

There isTIME to sow and there is a time to reap. 

There is a TIME to gather stones and there is a time to cast stones away. 

There is a time to heal and there is a TIME TO KILL.”

What time is it because, by the time, surely man is in loss; and the only way that you can lose is if you are not in accord with the dictates of the time.

The sun is setting on the world in which we live.

Those of us who are in love with this world, the sun is setting on YOU.

The ONLY WAY we can escape the destruction that is coming to the world is to GET OUT of the way of what the time is dictating is about to happen: The Shock of the Hour.

The Honorable #ElijahMuhammad said, “An hour has 60 minutes and a minute has 60 seconds.” The Book of Revelation says, “Count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, six hundred, three score and six.”

So, the Shock of the Hour is the time of the END of the present world and its system of things.

It is so interesting that this quake started at the bottom of the ocean.

“What is significant about that?” you may ask.

It is significant because poor people are at the bottom of the world that the rich bloodsuckers of the poor have built on the backs of poor people.

Nobody thinks about the poor.

They only pay lip service to the poor. Who speaks for the poor?

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was speaking one day to a highly placed individual and a blind man from among the poor was tapping his way up to the Prophet. He could not see, but he heard the Prophet’s voice and he knew of this man’s greatness. As he came toward the Prophet, he interrupted the Prophet who was speaking to a highly placed individual, and the Prophet frowned on the blind man and his interruption of him. Then, Surah Al-Abasa, “He Frowned,” was revealed. But it was not that the Prophet frowned;

Allah (God) also frowned, because he said to the Prophet, “You are spending time with this rich man who will probably never believe, but the blind man who is tapping his way up to you to seek you, you frown on him.”

That is the way of the world today.

They frown on the poor man because he is perceived as an interruption of what is going on.

Some of us have reached a place where we only like to speak to those who have and we care not for those who have not.

But the Bible says that, when #Jesus spoke, the rich did not like his speech, but the poor heard him gladly.

That is what made Jesus dangerous.

The rich did not like the message of Jesus because Jesus, in truth, was a #revolutionary.

“How can you prove that, Brother?” By his words. He said, “I came that those who say they see may go into darkness and those who are in the dark may come into the light.”

That is the way the Earth is as it moves. We are in the Earth’s shadow now, so we are in the darkness, but on the other side of the Earth is morning. But as sure as it is night, we will enter into the dawn of a brand new day, and those who are in the light now will be in darkness.

When the #tsunami hit Southeast Asia, people were frolicking on the beach, without a care in the world, enjoying the beauty of the Asian waters, the nice warm temperature and the white sandy beach.

Tourists traveled with their families from the cold in Europe and North America.

They were not concerned about THE TIME.

“Surely man is in loss, except those who believe and do good and enjoin one another to truth and enjoin one another to patience.”

One person said he was standing on the beach and they weren’t paying attention, and when they looked up they could not find the water. The water had receded from the shore and then came back to the land with a force, sweeping away all of the people who were on the beach.

The animals KNEW what was happening and they retreated to high ground.

But the people who came to party, their carnal minds did not allow them to tune in to what was really happening.

It was reported that there were some villagers who could smell the tsunami in the air; they could put their ears to the ground and feel something happening, so they retreated to high ground. All of those villagers were saved, because they understood something about the TIME and what was happening at that TIME.

Jesus was feared because the Roman authorities had built their power on the backs of the poor and the moment a message would come to poor people and start poor people moving, it is like those tectonic plates at the bottom of the ocean. It creates an earthquake.

That is why the Caucasians in the South in America were always looking for a leader who would come and “disturb their n----s.”

So, they listened carefully to what our leaders say and how the people react, because they know that, as long as the masses sleep in ignorance, they can continue to rule them.

But when somebody speaks to the poor and the poor begin to move, cracks begin to show in the institutions that are built on their backs, and these institutions begin to cave in.

Today, there is motion among the masses and that motion is creating cracks in the spiritual wall of religion.

Preachers can not just say anything anymore, because there is something happening among the poor if you don’t teach them properly. They will not listen.

There is a crack in the educational wall, so the children, though they are hungry for knowledge, they throw the “food” back because they do not like what they are receiving in this Western educational system.

There is a crack in the political, judicial and social walls in this system of things.

The more the vibration picks up at the bottom of society, then the buildings begin to sway and you start bringing down the walls.

In the Bible, there is a story of Joshua walking with the people around the walls of Jericho.

When they circled the walls for the seventh time, they began to shout.

The sound and the constant stomping of their feet around the wall produced vibration. They were not simply walking around; they were making a vibration that was shaking the foundation of a wall that has kept them out.

So when they shouted, the foundation was already shaking, so the walls came down.

Black man and woman, the walls of America, the walls of #racism and #injustice are coming down because this is the TIME.

But surely man is in loss, except you understand what the time demands.

What does the time demand of us?

For 400 years, we have lain at the foot of our oppressors begging to be let into their system.

That is against what the time dictates.

The TIME is not for you to try to get into the house with which Allah (God) is angry.

The time is here for you to come out of that house.

In the Bible, it is prophesied: “Abraham, your seed will be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and they shall serve them and they shall afflict them 400 years.”

The scripture says, “But after that time, I will come and I will judge that nation which they shall serve. And afterwards, they shall COME OUT ”—not go in—“they shall come out with great substance and go.”

The coming out is a motion, but then the going is also a movement towards something.

The Bible continues, “And they shall go to their fathers”—not to their slave masters—they shall “go to their fathers in peace.”

Not just go any way, but they will go in the state of peace and they will be buried in a good old age.

Let us examine this prophecy. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “We are living in the time of the Judgment.”

Some of our #Muslim family says, “No, that is not correct.”

But I want to ask you to think with me. If you study the Holy Qur’an, you will notice that there are more references to Moses than to any other prophet.


Is he more significant than Prophet Muhammad?


Then, why is he mentioned more?

It is because he lays a prophetic picture that Allah (God) wants us to study.

Why would Allah (God) speak to us in the Qur’an of prophets Noah, Lot, Shuaib, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus?

He speaks to us of those people who were sent a messenger but did not pay any attention to the warnings and guidance of their messenger.

So, by the TIME, they rebelled, bringing their destruction, which was a #judgment that Allah (God) delivered against the wicked.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said the judgments against America would be unusual rain, unusual #snow and unusual earthquakes. He referenced the Book of Job in the Bible and snow treasured in the north.

He referenced the fierce cold and strong winds that were used in the ancient times to destroy the wicked.

Snow fell recently on the West Coast, with drifts that were 10, 15 and 20 feet, and winds of 168 miles an hour.

If it were a hurricane, it would be five, in terms of its ferocity.

But the media is not reporting these occurrences; instead they keep the people focused on what is happening in Asia, while you are blind to what is happening right under your foot.

But what happened in Asia is coming to your door.

“By the time, surely man is in loss.”

You can take it or let it alone, but America will not escape and neither will you.

We cannot play with the judgment of Allah (God).

You have been playing with God ALL OF YOUR LIFE.

This government has been worrying about terrorism. But ask the people in Asia and #Africa who have been terrorized by the tsunami if they were in terror, even though al-Qaeda was not bothering them. It was Allah (God), the Lord of the Worlds bothering them.

The Bible and Holy Qur’an say, “And the worst is yet to come.”

So, what are you going to do?

You cannot play your life away.

God is after you.

You have a rendezvous with destiny and He is angry with you because you have heard a lot and you know a lot, but you act on very little of what you know.

You do not play with a message that comes for your deliverance, which is Mercy and Grace from Allah (God).

To even teach, warn and guide you is Mercy from God.

But when you reject Guidance, Warning and Mercy, then what is next?

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “What you see afar, pay attention because it soon will be at your door.”

Whether you believe it or not, you are very precious in the sight of Allah (God). You. You do not think that much of yourself, but Allah (God) sees in you what He created in you that is good for the world.

He has a purpose for your suffering and He has a purpose for your life.

The waking up of the masses of the people will bring about revolution. I yearn to see us stop the killing of one another in our communities.

I yearn to see us fulfill the destiny that Allah (God) has for us and I am willing to give my life to see that happen.

You are more valuable than I am.

You are a great people, but you are mired in ignorance.

The scripture says, “My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.”

You are not an evil people, you are only evil now by circumstance, but you really are a righteous people.

If we could SEPARATE you from that which has made you what you presently are, Allah (God) says He can make you into what He created you to be.

But you have to COME OUT of the present order of things and start motion toward your Father.

That’s why the 10th anniversary of the #MillionManMarch is significant, not from the march standpoint, but it is time to mobilize Black people like we have never been mobilized before.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “Our unity is more powerful than a hydrogen or atomic bomb.”

Your enemy is frightened of weapons of mass destruction.

Why not let’s try unity.

We have tried everything else.

We have kneeled, waded, crawled, begged and slept in.

We have #marched and #boycotted, but we have not tried the unity of us as a people.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “If you tried it, our unity would solve 95 percent of our problems.”

America owes us.

If we went to Washington and put a demand note on the White House, the government would just look at it. But I would rather place the demand note and let them do nothing, because then we would see that there is no hope in a benevolent White man in the White House.

The hope is in Allah (God) and in us.

#Reparation is real.

To repair us is a serious work that needs to be done, but White people do not have the means to repair us, and if they had the means, they do not have the will.

The Bible does not say that Pharaoh had what it took to repair the Children of Israel. The Bible says, “He had healing in his wings.”

Wings, in this reference, represent that which allows you to fly above and defy gravity.

It is not physical wings; it is the wings of knowledge that allow you to rise above the reality of our lives.

“He had healing in his wings.” The knowledge that God will reveal through a proper study and administering of Bible and Qur’an will heal every broken and wounded human being on this earth. And it starts with you. So, even if we demand something from the enemy, which we should do, the biggest demand we should put is on ourselves.

You have the power to make a change in your life.

The Holy Qur’an teaches, “Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change within themselves.”

But you cannot change on your own.

You can want to change and I am sure that all of us want to be better than what we are. Having the desire to change is the right beginning, but what is the instrument to bring about the change?

We are standing on a planet that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us is 196,940,000 square miles, with a weight of six sextillion tons, traveling at the speed of 1,037 1/3 miles per hour as it makes its revolution around the sun and its rotation on its axis. As it makes its revolution, it makes four dips, giving us our seasons—which is change.

But what produces these changes in seasons?

It is the Earth responding to LIGHT.

The light of the Sun —traveling 186,000 miles per second, striking the Earth at its equator—causes the Earth to spin.

As the Earth is spinning because it is in submission to the power of the light, it produces spring, summer, fall and winter.

We are a people that the Bible says “walk in darkness, gross darkness the people.”

In the darkness, we can make no change, because darkness is death, and in death there is no time or light.

But the moment light comes, then the Bible says “the people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.”

One of the names of the Holy Qur’an is “Al-Nur”—not a light, but THE Light.

There is a man in the Bible called Jesus who said, “I am the light of the world.”

The Qur’an says of the Prophet that “he is a light-giving sun.”

So, if the Light of God, Al-Nur, shines on you and you respond to the Light, then the Light will cause motion and start time for you.

“By the time, surely man is in loss except those who believe and do good, enjoin one another to truth and enjoin one another to patience.”

Light is present now.

Respond positively to the presence of Light and make up in your mind tonight, “I am going to make a change.”

The moment you make that decision, then Allah (God) says He will step in: “I’ll never change the condition until they change within themselves.” If you respond to the Light, you will change within yourself. Then, Allah (God) will help you and us fulfill our destiny." #Farrakhan: By The Time, surely man is in Loss

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