⭐️ NOBODY Can Defeat Master Fard Muhammad!
#NationofIslam #FruitofIslam #MGTGCC #Farrakhan #SD2025 #SavioursDay2025 #Earthquake #Tsunami #Hail
⭐️ NOBODY Can Defeat Master Fard Muhammad!
Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "We ACCEPT a CHALLENGE.
“We (NOI) Say, "NOBODY can defeat Master Fard Muhammad!”
Now I'm going to make something VERY CLEAR.
My God (Master Fard Muhammad) ain't your God, UNLESS you accept my God.
Because my God is no formless spook that's up in the sky.
I have a Real Live Living God that has Knowledge, and Wisdom, and Power over ALL Things!
⭐️ Master Fard Muhammad is Who I call on!
Now if you want to call on space, help yourself.
But we tried the space god for 400 years and got NOTHING for that!
When I allowed myself to be tricked away from My God, A REAL GOD, and accepted SPACE, I went back to drinking, and smoking, and partying!
But When I Accepted a Real Live God. The God Elijah Muhammad taught us of, I started coming back to myself.
Now Farrakhan known all over the world. Not because of some space cadet God!
But because of a Real LIVING God!
My God is NOT Your God, UNLESS you Accept your God!
That's why I challenge the preacher, I say call on your god and stop the rain.
And I'll call on Mine to INCREASE The Rain.
Call on your god to save America.
And I'll call on Master Fard Muhammad to destroy her power.” #Farrakhan
“...and you are three sorts. So those on the right hand; how (happy) are those on the right hand!
And those on the left; how (wretched) are those on the left!
And the Foremost (in doing good) are the Foremost (in reaping reward) —these are drawn near (to Allah).” 56:7
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