⭐️ Even If It Looks Like They Murdered Messiah @LouisFarrakhan


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #UFO #TheWheel #Rapture #MasterFardMuhammad #ElijahMuhammad 


 ⭐️ Even If It Looks Like They Murdered Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

"It was on the day of February 25, 1975 when it was announced that the Honorable #ElijahMuhammad died in Chicago’s Mercy Hospital from congestive heart failure. I remembered going to my children reluctantly to tell them about this announcement. I then went to the telephone to make a call to the #Mexican family who was caring for my two younger sons. 

The lady told me quite emphatically that she DIDN’T BELIEVE that he was dead. She instructed me to go quickly to the funeral parlor and place my finger or thumb on his pulse and on his jugular vein. She further stated that if it was STILL WARM then he was not dead. I then turned to Sister Ethel Sharrief, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s eldest daughter, now deceased, and to her husband Brother Raymond Sharrief, also deceased, to take me to the funeral parlor so I could view his body. 

They agreed to accompany me and we drove somberly to Griffith Funeral parlor where his body lay on the funeral bier. I asked for the sheet to be pulled back and I began my examination of the body with those instructions that I received. I placed my hand on his pulse and on his jugular vein and truly, as was stated, it was STILL QUITE WARM to the touch. The funeral parlor director explained that it was considered normal and that within 24 hours, the temperature in the room would lower and his body would be cold.

It was my son, Ishmael, who had furnished me with another important key to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s appearance of death.

 On one occasion he questioned his father, at the tender age of 8, to explain to him what happens to a person after they are pronounced dead and he answered saying that IF a person is a good and righteous being and a TRUE SERVANT of God, that if He (Allah) reaches the body within a 24 to 48 hour period, He can restore that person back to life." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: thought never dies. 

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