🚨 "Get ready to FLEE for your own lives!"

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #earthquake #tsunami #refugee #evacuation #poweroutage #solarflare #internetapocalypse 


"Get ready to FLEE for your own lives!"

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad cried over what he saw coming to us. What he knew some of us are about to face.

During the Theology of Time lectures he opened up some about the Destruction we will soon face.

He said at that time, the knowledge of the destruction heading straight for some of us in this dark period he didn't want to put into our minds BEFORE the time that he gave it during those series of lectures. 

Initially, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad didn't let the Messiah attend the Theology of Time lectures. 

Why do you think he did that?

We can't even imagine the destruction some of us will soon face.

It will be absolutely terrible. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Messiah @LouisFarrakhan have been warning us for over 50 years what's coming while at the same time trying to get us to prepare for it.

The Messiah hoped and prayed he wouldn't have to see it. He said the destruction will be so devastating, many will die just LOOKING  at it.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said it will be so terrible that the babies hair will instantly turn gray. 

We can't imagine what's coming.

 But we do know WHEN. The MOMENT The Messiah is gone.

There really is nothing we have ever experienced that can prepare us for what's coming. Both Bible and Holy Qur’an warn us that the DESTRUCTION Allah will unleash on America will be worse than anything that has ever happened in the last 6,000 years since mankind has been on this earth.

This planet has not suffered the kind of destruction we face since the deportation of Moon.

So all we have to go on to survive what's about to come down is theWORD  of God given to us by Messiah @LouisFarrakhan.

Millions of people who live along the coastlines will be forced to evacuate at the same time.

While the enemy, disbelievers and hypocrites, point at the southern border, we are pointing at the coastlines of America. 

We are warning, "Get ready to FLEE for your own lives!"

Many will die in the destruction that the Disasters will bring.

The Messiah said Much Death. And he repeated it right after he said it.

🚨 “MUCH DEATH.. I'm going to say again, much DEATH IS ON ITS WAY. 

And I Pray that what WE SEE going on in the world,that We TRY Our BEST To Be PREPARED.

You Need To Store Some Water IN Your Homes. You need to store some food IN your homes, Groceries. 

That Will Allow You To Be IN Your Homes From Two to Three Weeks or Two To Three MONTHS." #Farrakhan 

If we do not prepare BEFORE this destruction starts in full, it will be close to impossible to survive. 

I have been watching videos of 9/11.

 Trying to put myself in the shoes of some of the people who survived, The firefighters, first responders, those who were able to get out. Those who lost loved ones, friends, family on that day.

The witnesses. 

Some of us were there. We witnessed it first hand.

But most didn't. 

It appeared to be just another sunny day in America when all of a sudden, hell broke loose.

That's how it might be for some of us soon.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns us to live our lives as we should...BUT ALWAYS Be Ready to Flee for Our Lives.

And are we really prepared for what's about to happen?

When dealing with Chaos and Confusion like what we are about to experience, the people, those who survive, will look to those who have information to help them make the best Possible decisions to save themselves. 

Those injured will look for help from someone who can save them. Who can treat their injuries? 

Dealing with Chaos and Confusion not prepared will be rough. 

We are literally at THAT Moment in Time where The Chastisement Can start at any second. 

God has given us so much extra time to REPENT and prepare for what He is about to do that some of us have fallen back into disbelief.

During This Ramadan, Let us get our homes prepared like we were warned to.

And When you get a chance, watch this video on some of the stories of survivors of 9/11.

The Holy Qur’an says one day the people saw clouds coming in. They thought it was just another normal day. And they were destroyed by what Allah had in those clouds.

It may seem like just another day. But He'll is about to break loose.

God ordered us to prepare by storing 3 Months of food, Water, Supplies in our homes for every member of our family. 

At this time Our homes should resemble a mini Costco or Sam's club IF we followed the instructions given to us.

Watch this video GOOD, andTHINK  about what's coming to your city. 

3 buildings came down in NYC during 9/11.

The Messiah warns MANY Whole Cities will come down. 

And some don't have one case of water stocked up. So we are sentencing our loved ones to unimaginable suffering because we did not believe. 

While there is still time, We must fill our homes with food, water, and Supplies like we were warned.

FIRST RESPONSE (9/11) One Day in America (YouTube)

(As a hijacked plane hits the North Tower, we follow the first firefighters on the scene and their race against time to rescue trapped civilians.)


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