🚨 Why Are We In Your Crosshairs?
#TheBlackExodus #Palestinians Iran #Syria
Why Are Black Youth In Your Crosshairs America? It Is Not us shooting bullets and missiles at your people
⚠️ The enemy of all that is good, right, and decent recently said the Main threat is Black Youth in America.
The enemy tried to turn Americans against Black Youth In America. Every day in the media, TV, films, radio, showing us in the worse light possible.
They are doing the same thing to Whites through country music.
But it is not Black youth shooting at White people.
It's not Black youth dropping bombs on White Americans who are trying to help the suffering Palestinian people.
It Is Israel.
🤬🤬🤬 The U.S. Aid workers told Israel EXACTLY where they would be and they were still murdered by Israeli Military.
Israel has been murdering White Americans a LONG time, yet, Caucasians in America attack, beat, and kill her former slaves while bowing down to those who murder her own people.
It is so cowardly for Caucasians to murder her unarmed citizens for no cause. And even worse, their cowardly brothers and sisters in America to stand idly by and do nothing but justify the slaughter.
Well your day is here. The God of The Black man and Woman, Master Fard Muhammad is HERE, To Destroy YOU!!
🚨 "Will the US condemn Israel now?
⭐⭐⭐ Blacks In America: The Real Chosen of The True & Living God Master Fard Muhammad
Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches, "You (🇮🇱) brought that (Segregation) to South Africa!
You brought it to America!
And we (Blacks) have suffered under American #apartheid which you sanctified by The Hamitic Curse, that we were doomed to be hewers of wood and drawers of water of White people!
That we were to be your servants, your slaves!
And the only thing Mr. Brackman said that the Jews agreed on was: “The inferiority of the Black man.”
How dare you write us #NationofIslam down as THE HATER, when YOUR life in America, your life in Africa, your life in the Holy Land, is one of segregation, separation, hatred, murder, lying, and stealing land from the ORIGINAL #Palestinians?
Will the REAL #antiSemite—will the real HATER please stand up!
It is you, Mr. Foxman!
It is you, Mr. Potok!
It is you (So called Jews) that MASQUERADE as The Chosen People of God!
You have STOLEN our(Blacks in America) identity!
And NOW The Truth has come, and Falsehood must VANISH!
We are here to TAKE BACK our IDENTITY.
Yes: America is The REAL #Israel and The Whites are The Real #Israelites! (Of Biblical Prophecy)
Study The Seal of America.
Connect those 13 stars, and you will see The Star of David, six (6) angles; six (6) sides of sixty (6) degrees." #Farrakhan The Time and What Must Be Done Part 19
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