⭐️ Love At First Sight: Have You Tried My Servant Job?
#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #IndependenceDay #4thofJuly #July4th #MasterFardMuhammad #ElijahMuhammad #Farrakhan
⭐️ Love At First Sight: Consistency, Trust, & Friendship: Believers & Hypocrites
As We reflect on Our Lord and Saviour Master Fard Muhammad and His Coming to save us from the evil slavemasters children, I was thinking about when I first learned about Master Fard Muhammad.
I was in a car accident, bedridden, and I was flat on my back for a long time. Then someone who knew I loved reading gave me the book: Message To The Blackman.
The second I started reading it KNEW it was TRUE.
I called out from my bed, "Is anybody still teaching this?"
I was given the address to Muhammad's Mosque. And from there, my journey to Learning, Loving, & Serving Almighty God Allah Began.
🕯 What Have I Learned?
He Loves us.
He Loves Us To Eat How We were taught.
He Loves us to be Healthy and Strong.
He Loves us to be Steadfast.
He Loves us to be Consistent.
He Loves us to be Fearless.
He Loves us to Live in Luxury.
He Loves us to be Rich.
He Loves us to be SUCCESSFUL.
He Loves us to be FILLED with FAITH in Him.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ He Loves us to Be Obedient to Messiah @LouisFarrakhan. Because Our Obedience To The Messiah is Obedience to Him.
🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "We have to be careful today how we use such a term as, "my friend."
If we identify the coming of The #Mahdi Master Fard Muhammad as the SUPREME act of friendship and His raising of the Honorable #ElijahMuhammad and giving him the example of a friend and Elijah Muhammad sets that example for forty-four years among us, and we would do well to LIMIT the use of such word.
You can't even say that among #Muslims that we are friends, because there are TOO MANY HYPOCRITES among the believing community.
So take Allah. Allah is; ONLY Allah and His Messenger. Well, we know those Two.
They have given us a SUPREME ACT of FRIENDSHIP.
We KNOW the Qur'an is right. "Only Allah and His Messenger are your friends and those who believe. "
But the question is, Who are they?" #Farrakhan : Closing the Gap : 429
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches, "Wouldn't you like to have God Master Fard Muhammad as your Friend?
What better Friend could we have?
He's ALWAYS WATCHING His servant with what He tries him with.
No prophet escaped trials.
What a Friend we have in the Almighty Creator! He's been teaching us all through life that He is our Place of REFUGE.
But when you turn away because of misfortune or because of untimely death of someone that we love or any loss of property or diminution of fruit, if we turn away, then we lose the love of our Protector, for He says:
"I'm GOING to TRY you. But give GOOD NEWS to those who are PATIENT and STEADFAST under trial."
Steadfast in what?
In seeking Him (Master Fard Muhammad) as your place of Refuge." Closing the Gap: pg 4 1-10
⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "Allah says in the Qur'an, ‘He will Separate us and put like with like.'
So UNDER such darkness the hypocrites will be WITH the hypocrites.
The disbelievers will be WITH disbelievers.
And THROUGH The darkness the Believers carrying his LIGHT with him will FIND another Believer and remain UNITED with those who persevere and are steadfast under such a tremendous trial." Closing the Gap
⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "Then at my trial and in this TIME of TRIAL, I will LOSE MANY.
Some of the females that truly love The Minister will be present and the ONE male disciple, who will be present, will REPRESENT thousands who are absent, but who in the darkness are GROWING in FAITH because they are UNHINDERED by the HYPOCRISY that will have been MANIFESTED INSIDE the house.
For they have grown up on the OUTSIDE with a more PURE sight on the man than many whose sight has been DULLED by their lack of FAITH; their DOUBT; their SUSPICION; which now manifests into ABSOLUTE HYPOCRISY.
ALL of this is as it was written.
It leads to the glorification of God Master Fard Muhammad and His Christ (Honorable Elijah Muhammad)
In that darkness, I believe he (Farrakhan ) will be taken.
And there are those who WILL SEE him AS he is taken, to bear witness to the others, that the stone that appeared to keep him where they thought they had him, has been REMOVED and he is GONE." Closing The Gap 219
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