
Showing posts from September, 2024

⚠️ WHEN Will The Whipping Stop?

  #NationofIslam  🚨 When will the Whipping Stop?  🕯Ask Yourself, Out of All the time your family has been in existence...Out of Everyone in Your Whole Family, Why Did Master Fard Muhammad   CHOOSE You?  What Are You Supposed to be doing?  Are You Doing it? 🕯Allah Chose us but He does not need us. He can easily replace us.  ⚠️But that means removing us, and that means 💀 It's either serve His Purpose or prepare the grave.  ⭐️⭐️⭐️ God usually only picks one out of a Family ~ #Messiah #LouisFarrakhan

🕯When They Mock Our Isolation From The REAL World💀

Image #NationofIslam 🕯When They Mock Our Isolation From The REAL World💀 There are some, not alot, who KNOW Allah is About To Bring Down His Terrifying WRATH Down on America and want absolutely nothing to do with 🇺🇲 or those who love 🇺🇲; that are MOCKED by family members for cutting ourselves off from them. “Come, My people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; HIDE YOURSELVES for a little while UNTIL God's Wrath has passed by.” Isaiah 26:20 And Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warned us (SD2020) that IF we believed in him, our family were mocking us behind our backs. And even after he said that, some of us swallowed back, or toned down our expression of what we believe in their presence as to try to keep the peace. But Does a Good and True Muslim try to keep the peace with those who are mocking out of Love or out of fear?  Is it Because some of them APPEAR to be in better positions than us? Allah is our Protector and Defender. 🕯Let us