🚨 DANGER: Be Careful of The Burning: The Fire Of Two Hells


#MichaelJackson #NationofIslam #diddy #helene #Asheville #Hollywood #diddyparty #gossip #backbite #slacktalk #Bible #judgmentday #flood #hurricane #tornado #earthquake #tsunami 


🚨 DANGER: Be Careful of The Burning: The Fire Of Two Hells

⚠️ "The Red Dragon's TAIL Swept away 1/3 of the STARS in Hollywood, and he threw them to the earth in Humiliation, Suffering, & Shame." Revelation 12:4

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but We are at the edge of a cliff, a Pit of Fire, and I don't want to see us go over.

Because we THINK we get away with so much FOOLISHNESS and wickedness, we mistake this period of Grace as a free pass to party and ignore and reject all of God's servant's warnings to Stop and REPENT.

"When our wicked deeds are not punished quickly, people FEEL IT IS SAFE to Keep doing wrong." Ecclesiastes 8:11

THEN, we run into UNIMAGINABLE pain, suffering and grief.

And It Will Seem so All of a Sudden. One moment we are on top of the world and nothing can touch us. The next we find ourselves enveloped in so much suffering, grief, and Shame we can barely talk.

We Must Be VERY CAREFUL in this hour. 

The Enemy of God, who controls all the media, and everyone connected to our Brother, has the whole world salivating like dogs waiting on a list or more videos. 

⚠️ "So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast Down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him." Revelation 12:9

We cannot be self righteous hypocrites pointing at Diddy calling out all of his sins (by backbiting, slack talk, slandering, & gossiping: All Deadly SINS) without God Showing everyone all the sick perverted stuff we've been doing in secret over the years.

πŸ•―Brothers and Sisters no matter how hard, how tough, how wise we try to look as we backbite others, we really look like weak clowns trying to cover our own Shame by throwing stones at our people. 

We are breaking all these RESTRICTIVE LAWS slandering another Black Man?

⚠️ "Who Are You To Judge?🀨You Don't Know Enough. And Even IF You Know Enough You Are NOT The Supreme Being." The Angel Jabril

🚨 "We’re TOO EVIL to be so self-righteous...

DEFEND Your People! DEFEND Your People!!!!" #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan  

"Wish Nothing Bad On ANY Black Person, EVER!" Honorable Elijah Muhammad 

CAN YOU IMAGINE if someone came forward with DIRT on us? We wouldn't want that. We shudder at the thought of it. We wouldn't want anybody talking about it, gossiping, slandering us, like many are doing right now...

“The day of the LORD is near for everyone. As you have done, it WILL BE DONE TO YOU; your deeds will return upon your own head." Obadiah 1:15

We are so close to the edge of that cliff and we can't even see it.

We've actually stopped the drinking and drugs before, on our own, because of the other times our own actions got us into terrible trouble.

THEN That pain was just too much to bear compared to the high Alcohol and drugs gives..

And We begged God for another chance

We told Him we would do better. Even promised. Some of us even swore our own lives....

And It was only the Grace of God that we survived, or avoided prison, or didn't lose a loved one or spouse.

And For some of us the only reason we still have our homes, cars, jobs is because of that Grace.

Some of us Almost Died..

THEN time passed, and we went right back..

That Grace won't happen again. Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns Grace is OVER. Whatever we do, That Punishment is on the way.

And this time it will be infinitely worse because God will continue TAKING every thing He has blessed us with until we stop worshipping drugs, and alcohol, and sex, and wickedness over Him forever.

A Painful Chastisement is on the way. It will be terrible.

We can avoid that IF we stop right now, and turn away from that which WE KNOW GOD HATES US DOING.

If we mistake His Love for us as a weakness on His part or inability to touch us, very soon it will be very bad for us. God Does Not Love Everyone. And He CHASTISES Those He Loves.

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May Allah Bless You For Your Help


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