⭐️ 2: A More Peaceful Exodus: When The Angels Come To Evacuate: "Can You Hear Me Now?"
⚠️ Always have A Emergency Bag PACKED READY to GO:
Disaster Preparedness: EMERGENCY GO BAGS
What Are Some of the things we should pack?
⭐️⭐️⭐️What should we Keep very close to or PUT INSIDE our Emergency Go bags?
Complete change of clothes (seasonal)
Keep a pair of safety toe boots or Hiking boots with Go Bag
Vicks Vapo rub (repels mosquitos/Masks terrible smells:dead bodies/smelly people)
Hygiene supplies (deodorant /toothbrush/chapstick/wipes, eye drops)
N95 masks
Safety Glasses(goggles/ski goggles are excellent against blowing dust/smoke/snow in blizzard)
Keep a Hard hat or helmet right next to GO Bag
First aid supplies
Safety Gloves
LifeJacket (in case of flooding: keep WITH bag, wont fit inside)
2 way radios
Weather radio
⚠️ A go bag is not intended for us to run off into the woods and survive for weeks. It's to get us from point A to point B.
So we shouldn't overfill this bag with water or food. It's not necessary and it'll make it too heavy. The body can go a very long time (Many Days) without water and That Much Longer (Weeks) Without Food
🕯 As the Chastisements and Plagues of Almighty God Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, continue to strike the coastal areas of 🇺🇲 and the Mass Evacuations begin…
Once Your Home is Destroyed, don't waste time thinking about rebuilding.
THINK: I got to move away from here.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has been warning us since the early THIRTIES that God is destroying All the Coastlines of America forcing All the people to move towards the CENTER of the country. And while most rejected and disbelieved in his warning, we are still going to move WHEN That TIME Comes.
REMEMBER, those who leave or relocate from those areas EARLY or FIRST, or NOW, may have A More Peaceful Exodus than those who wait, UNTIL they are soon FORCED to evacuate as they are beaten in by calamities.
People in Louisiana should already NOT trust the government OR The Media, especially the Army Corps of Engineers with the experience from Hurricane Katrina...
🚨 The Coastal Plagues - This Is A Military Exercise: Which Side Are You On?
But those who still put their trust in this enemy should remember Allah is Now DRIVING (Pushing) the people (By Calamities, Destruction, FIRES, Floods, Famine, DROUGHT) from ALL the coastlines into the center of the country.
IF WE LIVE on or near any of the Coastlines of America We Should Never be the last to go.
IF WE ARE Believers, UNLESS you heard Master Fard Muhammad has changed His Mind about destroying all the Coastlines...we should be planning our next move.
Where will we run to?
REMEMBER, At a certain point in Time, Pharaoh will send his Military to TRY and kill us from leaving America.
And even If you don't believe in the Teachings and Warnings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and you survive what's about to happen, you'll still be moving VERY soon so have a place towards the CENTER of the country and/or Mexico & Canada IF you are a part of The Original Family.
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