🥶 UPDATE: The Great Freeze Is Upon Us And Some of Us May Never Know Until It's Too Late🥶

#NationofIslam #FruitofIslam #MGTGCC #snow #Freeze #articfreeze  #blizzard #artic #winter #poweroutage #hypothermia #icestorm


⚠️ The Great Freeze Is Upon Us And Some of Us May Never Know Until It's Too Late 🥶

 🕯 Mental Note: IF YOU CAN REMEMBER THIS, as we teach and warn our family and friends to prepare, I invite you to alway keep in mind you may have two audiences

The person or persons you are talking to or sharing this information with, and whoever they may teach and warn and share this information with.

Some of the things that should and must be done to survive at this time, the person you are reaching may not be able to do at this time, BUT, the persons they share the information with can and will follow the instructions to the letter. 

So never hold back or don't pass on important information because we don't think the ones we are sharing with can do it. 

Because that particular warning might not even be for them at THAT time, but they may have friends and family in NYC, Buffalo,  Chicago, Detroit, or Boston who they share the information with and it may save many lives.

So Keep warning regardless to what they say. 

I had an uncle who spent his entire career in the U.S. Military and he told me I was all kinds of crazy because nothing was going to happen.  But he did what the articles I sent him warned him to do...

🥶 Any Moment now parts of America will be plunged into The Great Freeze

⚠️ I saw a news report about some of the survivors of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina, TWO MONTHS LATER, living in tents as the snow starts to fall up in those mountains. 

No running water, no sewage, no electricity. 

Tents with wood burning stoves. These were families with children. 



⚠️ If We Have not learned by now, the government and media lie to the people.  The Messiah warns they are trying to kill BILLIONS of people. 

IF that is true, and it is, do you really believe they will warn us of impending danger? I'm not talking about a little tornado or flooding that could kill a few thousand?

I'm talking about weather events that could kill hundreds of thousands

Would they lie in hopes that many will die?

When I lived in Phoenix, during the summer, there were times I would be at home and the temperature at the house would read 125 DEGREES

But on the news, they say that Phoenix was expected high temperature of 112.🤔 

Then later on that night they'd report the temperature reached 114.🤨

Other Believers who lived near me reported the same thing to me, their own thermometer,  that they saw with their own eyes, read Temps of 122 122, 123

Well If the thermometer I'm holding in my hand is telling me the actual temperature right then is 125 degrees,  but the media is repeatedly saying it's 113, who should I believe?

113 degrees is very hot. 

125 degrees is next level furnace heat. We have to plan different in 125 degrees heat. 

You say it's only TEN degree difference?

What's the difference if the media says its going to be a low of 40 degrees and it is really 30 degrees? We go to bed thinking we will be okay at 40 degrees.

BUT We wake up in the morning and all our pipes have frozen and BURST.

When Dealing with Temperature, Ten DEGREES can mean the difference between life and death. Believe me, It got so hot one day I nearly died thinking it was one temperature and it was over FIFTEEN DEGREES HOTTER, and I was out in the heat too long.

⚠️ Get yourself a thermometer.  Get several of them and keep them in different rooms

⚠️ WATCH the Weather.  Meaning,  WITH THAT THERMOMETER, CHECK the temperature at night.


If We KNOW the temperature will drop below 30 degrees, turn off the water to your home. If You don't know how, here is a short video that shows us how:


Most times that shutoff is right there inside our homes or just out. It looks similar to the nozzle to turn on the water for our water hose.

⚠️ Once we turn off the water from entering our homes, then turn on the faucets to make sure there is no water still in the pipes. 

It is very easy to turn the water off and on but it can save us thousands of dollars in getting the destruction from frozen pipes fixed. 

And as the temperature rises above freezing we can just turn our water back on.

⚠️ Warn Our Neighbors 

⚠️ Get WOOL: Get a 100% WOOL BALACLAVA. When we loose power we will wear hats to keep that heat from escaping our heads. 

But at night, as we sleep, those hats can come off, and we can get very sick. 

A balaclava is not coming off. 

Make sure it's 100% wool or it's useless.  

100% Wool will keep us warm even if it gets wet from sweat. 

And it will dry fast. Most other material will get wet, stay wet, and bring our body temperature down. When we are dealing with Heat escaping from our head during EXTREME FREEZING TEMPS it really is worth it to spend extra to survive. 

We can still get wool hats to wear on top of Balaclava, we will be twice as warm as the temp drops 40 BELOW ZERO 

⚠️ Get the HEAVIEST WEIGHT Merino wool BASE LAYER, top/bottom. They have mid weight and heavy weight.  

Mid WEIGHT is good down to 30 degrees. Once the Temps get below that we will want heavy weight.  If we can, get a pair of Both. But I would start with the heavy weight or double up on midweight and we can peel off layers if we get warm.

That Merino wool LOOKS thin but it will keep us warm, AND DRY, unlike anything cotton. 

But make sure it's 100% Merino Wool 

⚠️ Get a good pair of mittens. 

When we outside and we are using our hands, winter GLOVES are better for dexterity. 

BUT But when inside,  and we are just trying to stay warm, MITTENS allow our fingers to stay together to generate more heat unlike gloves, which separates the fingers making us coldeer. 

With a good pair of mittens slightly larger,  we can make a fist inside the mittens while keeping the cold off our skin. Much warmer this way. 

⚠️ Get 100% wool socks. 

Nothing blended. Get at least 2 pair  Don't get them too tight, it cuts off circulation making feet cold.  Wool is antimicrobial.  

Meaning we can wear the same pair of wool socks for up to a week and they will not be AS smelly as if we tried that with cotton socks. 

If our wool socks get wet take them off for a while and they'll dry. Or leave them on and they'll still keep your feet warm. 100% wool socks will run us from $17 a pair up to $40 a pair.

⚠️ IF we lose power during this GREAT FREEZE, we will not want to wear ANYTHING cotton.  

Cotton will get wet, and stay wet, and lower our temperature.  

The only way cotton works, if we can't or won't invest in wool to keep us alive, is to stock up on ALOT. 

Meaning have DOZENS of undershirts per Person,  DOZENS of pairs of socks because We won't be able to wash or dry clothes, and once those cotton clothes get wet, they will be nearly impossible to dry without taking forever.

So It's pretty much switching out a new pair every day or twice a day, a fresh pair. But we have to have them to do it. 

I know it may sound crazy, but buy three or four of those huge packs of cotton undershirts, underwear,  socks, PER PERSON  so we'll have them to switch out. You will be glad you did. 

It is very uncomfortable and deadly to wear wet clothes during EXTREME FREEZING TEMPS.

Please Share this with all your family and friends. 


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