
Showing posts from December, 2024

⭐️ What Do You Really Want? "I want All to MAKE Room." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

#goals #luxury #resolutions #visualization #success #money #gold #luxury19 #blessings What Do You Want In 2025? ⭐️ I read this book once about fulfilling desires, reaching goals. And in the book this woman was talking about her closet. She said her closet was filled with clothes she never wears. Some were too big, some to small, some were gifts from others that she would never wear.  So she went through her closet and REMOVED EVERYTHING she never wears.  She donated everything she didn't wear anymore to charity. She said by the time she had finished removing everything her closet was nearly empty.  More than 75% empty.  THEN, She said within the next year her closet was filled again,  but this time it was filled with clothes she loves and clothes she wears every day.  She said she didn't go and spend a bunch of money on clothes because most of her new clothes were given to her. In her story she was telling us if we want ...

⭐️ How To Give Birth To a God

#NationofIslam #FruitofIslam #MGTGCC #midwife  #homebirth #doula #birth #midwifery How to Give Birth to a God  ⭐️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches, "I have been working on this subject (How to Give Birth to a God) for over 15 years and it crystallized for me two weeks ago and I started this series of lectures. I am so proud of this series of lectures that, if I died tonight, I would feel that I have done my job; that if you get these series of lectures I do not need to ever talk again. For what is in these lectures, be it the Will of Allah, will be enough for you to get up out of this condition, totally, completely and forever. And the KEY to getting up out of this condition is our woman... God I WISH that this subject (How to Give Birth to a God) could be BROADCAST TO THE WORLD. Not because Farrakhan wants to be known in the world, but because what we are saying from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad based on the Holy Quran is a knowl...

🚨 Nation Rising Against Nation: The Worst Kind of War

  #civilwar #LeaveTheWorldBehind Nation Rising Against Nation: The Worst Kind of War ⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "The WORST kind of WAR we could have is a CIVIL WAR .  Where people of the SAME Nation, of the same language, of the same culture, TURN on themselves.   That's the WORST kind of war that there is.   And if you look at American history the worst war was not a war with Germany or Italy or Japan.   The WORST WAR was the CIVIL WAR where members of the same Colonies that had agreed to become One Nation begin to split over the institution of slavery.   And began to CLASH.   So when you are at war, you always look to see who your allies will be.   Those of us who are Muslims, the hardest war that Prophet Muhammad ever fought was the battle that he fought against the members of his own tribe who could not take the fact that he declared himself to be the Messenger of G...

⚠️ "China Does Not Allow Conflict & Turmoil To Happen on The Korean Peninsula!"

Image #NationofIslam #FruitofIslam #MGTGCC #NorthKorea #SouthKorea #China #XiJinpin ⚠️  “China does not allow conflict and turmoil to happen on the Korean peninsula. It will not sit idly by when its strategic security and core interests are under threat,” President Xi Jinpin to President Biden recently  ⚠️ The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "The UNITING of Japan, China and their other ALLIES are UNITING together to deal with self, not with white people. IF white people want to come in, they must come in by what they offer them. This is something the East has not been doing. By now, they are ready to PUSH the West OUT of the East, so that they can do business with each other and they have PLENTY of "each other" over there. They have HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people. They are SICK of the West and they are going to PUSH the West OUT so that the East can be. Believe it or not, this is a direction as you call it in slang, fro...