⭐️ What Do You Really Want? "I want All to MAKE Room." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

#goals #luxury #resolutions #visualization #success #money #gold #luxury19 #blessings https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8NghcxK/ What Do You Want In 2025? ⭐️ I read this book once about fulfilling desires, reaching goals. And in the book this woman was talking about her closet. She said her closet was filled with clothes she never wears. Some were too big, some to small, some were gifts from others that she would never wear. So she went through her closet and REMOVED EVERYTHING she never wears. She donated everything she didn't wear anymore to charity. She said by the time she had finished removing everything her closet was nearly empty. More than 75% empty. THEN, She said within the next year her closet was filled again, but this time it was filled with clothes she loves and clothes she wears every day. She said she didn't go and spend a bunch of money on clothes because most of her new clothes were given to her. In her story she was telling us if we want ...