🚨 Nation Rising Against Nation: The Worst Kind of War
#civilwar #LeaveTheWorldBehind
Nation Rising Against Nation: The Worst Kind of War
⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "The WORST kind of WAR we could have is a CIVIL WAR.
Where people of the SAME Nation, of the same language, of the same culture, TURN on themselves.
That's the WORST kind of war that there is.
And if you look at American history the worst war was not a war with Germany or Italy or Japan.
The WORST WAR was the CIVIL WAR where members of the same Colonies that had agreed to become One Nation begin to split over the institution of slavery.
And began to CLASH.
So when you are at war, you always look to see who your allies will be.
Those of us who are Muslims, the hardest war that Prophet Muhammad ever fought was the battle that he fought against the members of his own tribe who could not take the fact that he declared himself to be the Messenger of God.
And in the Battle of Badr he fought the members of his own tribe and killed even some members of his own family.
And after Allah had given him the victory he sat down and wept.
Because it grieved him to fight and kill his own.
What do you think Jesus meant when he said they of a mans OWN household would be his WORST enemies.
I want you to THINK about that.
Because we have among us those who love wrong and the arch enemy of our people.
And you got people among us who want to be free.
And the enemy wants to manipulate us so that we will fight and kill one another." Farrakhan Saviours Day 2011
WHEN Will CIVIL WAR Erupt In America? It May Be SOONER Than We Imagine
🚨 The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Warns: "It's people 🇺🇲 have become so dissatisfied with the white man's world that THEY TOO, being white, would LIKE to REMOVE IT.
This is why They ARE Going To CLASH. (CIVILWAR)
They are moving towards each other EVERY HOUR.
THIS Teaching MUST come to you to save you from THEIR DOOM.
In the very beginning there was no DOOM written for the Black Man, UNLESS that Black Man WILLFULLY and KNOWINGLY would follow the white man to his DOOM.
The DOOM of the white man was written on the day he was made.
There was never a DOOM written for you (Black Man).
Your world will NEVER END." Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Theology of Time
Trump, Succession, Civil War: Desolation
🚨 The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "And EVERYBODY will want to DIVIDE the government 🇺🇲 up into PIECES and EVERY LEADER will want to grab a piece, for his part, to try to muster some kind of government, patterned after his own way of thinking.
With trying to find a job for the unemployed soldiers who are returning from the war zone this will be one of the WORST HEADACHES for the government that she has EVER received.
With UNEMPLOYMENT mounting so fast, it will create REVOLUTION.
Desolation... if we are going to suffer deprivation in a country that has been the pride of the nations, this will make it altogether worse, for everybody will be THINKING about the way that they USED to live, and the FREEDOM and the PRIVILEGES that they USED to have.
And this will make ANGER rise up in the midst.
What I am trying to SHOW YOU is that the Prophet Daniel cannot be wrong, because this 'desolation that is DETERMINED to be poured on the most desolate,' is AIMED at the place in which we now live.
And just REMEMBER, that you cannot expect paradise here when such condition of desolation is headed toward America." Honorable Elijah Muhammad 8/3/73
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#NationofIslam #FruitofIslam #MGTGCC #civilwar
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