
Showing posts from June, 2022

When The Wheels Attack

#TheWheel #ufo #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "How are these Wheels able to destroy America?  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said The Wheels, with these bombs, will make ONE pass over the cities.  JUST ONE —  listen to what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad says on this in The Theology of Time lecture on the 9th of July 1972. He says:  ‘O Wheel! Wheel! Wheel!’—think over the prophet, looking at it! ‘O Wheel! Wheel! Wheel: You look dreadful! LOADED UP with bombs to RAIN on America’ Allah #MasterFardMuhammad) told me that He will make ONE TRIP across America, and America would be ALL BUT FINISHED OFF.  And just THREE of these bombing planes will go to #England, and that would be the END of England.  And just ONE of these bombs on each of her islands: That’s all it takes.  These bombs would go in the Earth ONE MILE, then BLOW UP a mountain for A MILE HIGH, and KILL the civilization for 50 SQUARE MILES AROUND IT. Oh, brothers…”—Oh, America! Please—don’t come tr...

A Major Earthquake Is On The Way

 🚨 Ever Since March 31, 2011: Nearly Every Day, With Thousands of Emails and Posts, We Have Been Warning To Prepare For The  Major #Earthquake That Will Soon Destroy Many Cities In America.  These Warnings Will Soon End 🚨 Earthquake WARNING: #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "This is the MOST DIFFICULT press conference that I have EVER been a part of.. I saw the Earthquake‬ in #Japan‬, And the #Tsunami‬ that followed.  And the damaging of the #nuclear‬ reactors that begin poisoning the air and the water.  I begin to age AS I was looking at it because I KNEW there was a Deeper Significance that ‪Allah wanted me to LOOK INTO. When I saw the Horrors of the Suffering of the‪ #Japanese‬ people; AS ‪‎PREPARED‬ as they ARE...  AS technological proficient as they ARE... YET, they were NOT prepared for the MAGNITUDE of what happened to them. And what made me want to call a press conference, was to WARN AMERICA,  THAT a MAJOR EARTHQUAKE is on the way to you! And ...

What is The Truth About #ufo?

  ufo #TheWheel #MotherPlane Have you considered why, after all this time(since the 40's), the enemy is NOW opening up about The #MotherShip? Ever since the 30's The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Exalted Christ, has been teaching us that The Mother ship was made by Almighty God Allah Who came in The Person of #MasterFardMuhammad. He said The Wheel was built and launched from earth(#Nippon #Japan) in 1929. It only took Him less than a year to build it. Christ teaches the MotherShip was made for the sole purpose of saving Blacks in America and destroying All Our Enemies. He built it FOR us to SAVE us. Our open Enemy slaughtered Hundreds of Millions of Blacks and #NativeAmericans. What do you think would happen in the Minds and hearts of the descendents of those who were murdered WHEN they learn that God has come to save us and built the greatest Military Weapon ever known to mankind to destroy those who continue to slaughter us daily? The enemy claims to be a Super Power. To mak...

Judgment Day

  🚨 #IndependenceDay #ufo #TheWheel Brother Jabril teaches "The Bible has something to say of this plane #MotherShip appearing in the skies, on the #4thofJuly, in the 30th year.  Ezekiel opens with a PROPHECY of this terrifying plane.  In Ezekiel, verse one, we read: “Now it came to pass in the THIRTIETH year, in the FOURTH month, in the FIFTH day of the month, as I was among the captives(slaves) by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.” The Messiah taught that these words refer to events of the 4th(and the immediate afterwards) in July 1930.  The FIFTH day in the East, where this was written, is the FOURTH here in the West.  Ezekiel was a type of, at least, a man and a servant of his today.  He foresaw them among “the captives” who were a sign of Black people here in America today. The wheel-like plane is described in symbolic terms in this chapter and also in the 10th chapter of this book. The Messiah has taught muc...

When The MotherShip Comes Down

 #ufo #Mothership Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "And WHEN you see that Wheel come down...WHEN God declares Open War on this devil...You will SEE TERROR like you never saw it before. And you will bite your fingers in INTENSE REGRET saying "Would that I had taken a way with the Messenger....Would that I JUST BELIEVED!! #Famine is on The Way!!! In America won't be no more Wendy's. They won't be able to get a cattle to grind the beef for you to eat. The #weather is changing. Your enemy is THROUGH!  He LOOKS like he's got power but it's only for a few more days and in the TWINKLING of an eye it Will Be GONE! And you who put your trust in #money, you'll see the big tycoons with thousand dollar bills lighting up their cigars because the money will be WORTHLESS In the TWINKLING of the eye. They'll be coming soon. In the ghetto, with their tanks and 30 cal machine guns. And if you've never seen the helicopters used in Vietnam, you'll see them used o...

Can America Be Saved?

 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "God #MasterFardMuhammad is telling you, America, you CAN STOP THIS.(#wildfires, #floods, #tornado, #earthquake, #tsunami #Hurricane, Cataclysmic Destruction) I’m going to show you how.  You mean the president can stop this?  Not that HE can stop it, but IF he DOES what God wants him to do, He (God) WILL STOP it.  But WHAT does God want me to DO?  Thank you for asking.  The president does NOT control the #weather. If he could he wouldn’t have let the #WhiteHouse get flooded.  Do you know why God is using weather like this?  I’m going to be very clear: It’s about you(Blacks in America), and I have to say, it’s about me. Now, you have been a prey in the hands of America for 464 years.  He (the enemy) doesn’t want to let you go and he doesn’t want to give you a good send off.  The Messenger said, “We need about EIGHT to TEN states and we need to SEPARATE from this enemy.”  It’s something the way you are t...

The MotherShip #TheWheel

🛸 #ufo #TheWheel #Christ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns  "They have prepared a destructive plane (#MotherShip)  that America has been looking at for a LONG time. He's(🇺🇲) unable to take a pot shot at it.  It’s not that it’s too far out of sight;  She's AFRAID to take a pot shot at it or those little local bombers(baby planes-#ufos) that come down to earth from it.  They’re telling you that they see them before their eyes on earth, how they operate, but they warn you, you’d BETTER NOT take a shot at it.  It is committing suicide.  We're here waiting for the reporter to report that they seen one in New York.  They had witnesses of about a dozen or more who saw the thing coming right down just barely missing the top of their cars, about 8 feet above the ground.  They said that they COULDN'T EVEN HEAR IT. YET, it was able to go right back up WITHOUT noise.  He(Caucasian) can't build anything like that.  EVERYTHING that #Allah ha...

🕯 "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you!" Be Healed

LINK to Video 🎞 🕯 To all of us who are sick with diseases or conditions they claim cannot be cured, don't lose hope. The Master Healer with power over everything including your specific disease will show His power to Heal to the world by Healing you.  And  WHEN You are healed, and whole, Remember to Give All Praises to Allah Who came in The Person of Master Fard Muhammad Who healed you in the name of The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad & Messiah @LouisFarrakhan The Bible teaches us Jesus healed people with impossible diseases before he departed. And After he departed his disciples continued to heal in his name. "But Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk! c ” 7 Taking him by the right hand, Peter helped him up, and at once the man’s feet and ankles were made strong.  8 He sprang to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into...

Abortion: The Worst Sin

  #Christ warns "You read and hear that white America is agreeing to kill UNBORN babies.They have set up a LAW for it.(#abortion) This is the WORST SIN that you could agree on to have your #baby killed BEFORE its #BIRTH. What are you going to do that for?  He(whites) tried to put out an old unfounded story that you are getting to be too many people and "We have to cut the birth-rate." Who needs to cut the birth rate?  The Black people have no need to cut down; they need to INCREASE the birth rate. The earth and the heavens around the earth are OURS. Who is going to go hungry? Do you not read the past histories of how the righteous were ALWAYS the WINNERS and the victorious people?  So will we(Blacks, #Latinos) be, the winners and the victorious people. WE ARE NOT THINKING of anyone making us hungry unless it is #Allah (God), and He #MasterFardMuhammad came to FEED us as it is written, "My righteous servant shall EAT, but ye shall go hungry."  And, America, hung...

🚨 The War of Armageddon

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Gaza #Palestine  The War of Armageddon   🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "‪#Israel‬ now is LOSING some of her friends, and her GREATEST ALLY, the Uniteda States, is getting INCREASINGLY ANGRY over the policies of the #Israeli Prime Minister.  Division is SEETHING and is GROWING between the two friends. Is this a chastisement for evils done and for failure to correct the wrong? Soon the #MiddleEast will be BATHED IN BLOOD! The ‪#‎Arabs‬ and the ‪#‎Jews‬ WILL TRY TO DESTROY EACH OTHER.  Their conflict will be a TRIGGER to a GREATER and WIDER war, which the Honorable ‪‎Elijah ‬Muhammad says will take place in ‪#Europe‬(#Germany).  And THERE the European nations, with the EXCEPTION of a FEW, will be TOTALLY and completely destroyed.  RUSSIA and the United States will be the agents of CHASTISEMENT.  The war in Europe is shaping up now. Is this a chastisement for failure to correct the wrong?  Even the mercy of God ...

🚨 When It's TIME to Flee For Our Lives: Mass Evacuations

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Montgomery #Maui #wildfires 🚨#earthquake #tsunami #fire:  I had a dream the other day. And In the dream I was warned before any news alert that Destruction was on the way to the city I was in and to evacuate IMMEDIATELY.  But I didn't do that.  I was disobedient and I warned everyone around me to evacuate and THEN... I WAITED for them because they had to pack. And they took FOREVER packing and deciding what to take. I was frustrated because they were taking so long and then I looked, and the destruction was there. It was too late. When it’s TIME to #Evacuate, NEVER hesitate.  NEVER waste time worrying about what we are leaving behind. If we are wise enough to pack a Go Bag Now, we can just grab it and GO! Because some may lose precious life worrying about THINGS.  Some may die because when it’s time to GO, they are packing a bag or waiting for others... If we haven’t done so, pack a bag now. Take ...

Disaster Preparedness Tip: Milk

  #Earthquake #diet #DisasterPreparedness: #coffee drinkers who use cream: Have you considered Powdered Milk? As we are stocking up, one of the concerns we encounter when stocking up on coffee/tea is what creamer can we safely store. Most of the non dairy creamers have other bad chemicals in them which make them unfit for human consumption. Most powdered creamers contain soy or worse. Have you considered powdered Milk(Whole)? Powdered milk(Whole) can be added to our coffee/tea just like the other powdered creamers and is much safer. If you have children who drink alot of Milk this is a great way of storing up extra milk for them as well for their cereals and what not. Most stores will only have "Non Fat" Powdered milk which as we know is not nearly as good as Whole Milk. Non Fat powdered milk will work in a pinch, but you have to add a lot of it. And it's like adding non fat milk to your coffee. Doesn't taste as good but will work. Whole Milk is better, but harder to ...

The Search For Malaysia Flight 370

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #TheWheel #ufos #MalaysiaMH370 #MH370 #Mothership #Motherplane Years ago A Sister sent me a message about a dream she had about #Malaysia flight MH370 and her passengers.  Here is some of what she sent to me in her own words: "Yesterday I had a dream that the passengers of #Malaysia370 held a press confrence that #UFOs had taken them for a short while as PROOF that they do exist and had brought them back to BEAR WITNESS to the world, and after the sky was SURROUNDED by the crafts.” This dream seemed so realistic and i had never dreamt anything like this before. i dont think that im special or anything but i just took it as a sign that we will start seeing them more often" 🛸 Mother Tynnetta teaches, "Now, the search (for #MalaysiaFlight370) is ongoing under private companies in a remote part of the Indian Ocean, south of #Australia and #NewZealand.  During that hectic period of tracking the airline’s possible destiny and crash site, a high c...

Because We Need Your Help

  Have You Considered The Increase in #disasters, the murders, the wars, the darkness,  the confusion? And THEN, When Messiah @LouisFarrakhan leaves, we will SEE how Allah was holding back, and we will witness unimaginable destruction. And As The Speed and Intensity of These Chastisements and Plagues Multiply, We Work Very Hard To Keep Up to Keep us informed and show us how to prepare to save our lives. Will you make a #donation NOW to help us continue To reach MORE people?  Because the MORE people we reach, THE MORE lives MAY be saved.  EVERYTHING we do takes TIME. It takes Data at the fastest speeds possible.  As God is Blessing us to help you and your family will You PLEASE Help us Today? Please make your donation here $DOOMALERT or #zakat2022 #Tribulation2022 #dailywarning160 #theblackexodus19

⚠️ Every Single Day We Do Nothing But Provoke The Anger of Master Fard Muhammad

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC ⚠️ Hide Yourselves Until His Wrath Has Passed: Have You Considered Every Single Day We Do Nothing But Provoke The Anger of Master Fard Muhammad? 🕯 "Earthquakes are caused by the Son of man by experimenting on high explosion. In fact, that ALL the above is caused by the Son of man." Honorable Elijah Muhammad ⚠️ "You SEE, God Master Fard Muhammad DELAYS JUDGMENT so that His People will SEE that the people He Has Judged are WORTHY of WHAT They are about to GET!" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan "Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until The Wrath of God has passed by." Isaiah 26:20 #Tornado #flood #earthquake #WW3 #Armageddon ⚠️ When we realize The Lord of War, Master Fard Muhammad , was Holding back, we will understand why it was so important to store in our homes 3 Months worth of water, Navy beans, supplies, groceries, and ways to cook without electricity.  Some say the...