The Search For Malaysia Flight 370
During that hectic period of tracking the airline’s possible destiny and crash site, a high commander of a #flyingsaucer fleet (#babyplanes) identified as #ASHTAR sent a communiqué to the public that the plane (MH370) was SEQUESTERED in airspace MANEUVERS...
...and transported with all passengers COMPLETE to a northern location high in the #Himalayas in the Arctic Circle and are SAFE and are being programmed to be ambassadors of peace to help to warn America to desist from her nuclear program and arsenal of weapons, which is threatening our planet with annihilation.
What if there are portals or vortexes in our airspace operating above our heads that under unusual circumstances or stress could give way to portals or gateways leading to other worlds?" Mother Tynnetta Muhammad
“So be patient with a goodly patience. Surely they see it far off. And We see it nigh. The day when the heaven is as molten brass, And the mountains are as wool; And no friend will ask of friend, (Though) they are made to see them. The guilty one would fain redeem himself from the chastisement of that day by his children, And his wife and his brother, And his kin that gave him shelter, And all that are in the earth—then deliver him.”—Holy Qur’an, Surah 70, verses 5-14
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