Can America Be Saved?

 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "God #MasterFardMuhammad is telling you, America, you CAN STOP THIS.(#wildfires, #floods, #tornado, #earthquake, #tsunami #Hurricane, Cataclysmic Destruction)

I’m going to show you how. 

You mean the president can stop this? 

Not that HE can stop it, but IF he DOES what God wants him to do, He (God) WILL STOP it. 

But WHAT does God want me to DO? 

Thank you for asking. 

The president does NOT control the #weather. If he could he wouldn’t have let the #WhiteHouse get flooded. 

Do you know why God is using weather like this? 

I’m going to be very clear: It’s about you(Blacks in America), and I have to say, it’s about me.

Now, you have been a prey in the hands of America for 464 years. 

He (the enemy) doesn’t want to let you go and he doesn’t want to give you a good send off. 

The Messenger said, “We need about EIGHT to TEN states and we need to SEPARATE from this enemy.” 

It’s something the way you are trying to get in good with him. I thank Allah (God) for congressional representatives #IlhanOmar (D-Minn.), Sister #RashidaTlaib (D-Mich.), Sister Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). These are not punk sisters. 

They are what Black men SHOULD be. 

I said it in Washington, D.C., in 1984 at the National Press Club. I told them to beware that America was losing what is called Democracy and America was being taken over by special interests...

Now IF Mr. President,  you reasoned with what he, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, asked for: We need eight to ten states. 

Don’t take ANYTHING out of it.

Just MOVE OUT yourself. 

We can run cities. We can run states. We can run any corporation. We know something about everything.

Many of you go to law school and you’re coming out and you’re brilliant. 

We can run the law of a state, we can run courts. We know how to be good sheriffs; we know how to be good policeman. 

We have over 400,000 of us in the Armed Forces(#army #navy #airforce #marines) of America. 

Whatever land we have, we KNOW how to protect it.

But America you can TRULY become great,  but righteousness has to be the cornerstone of your greatness.


And JUSTICE for the Black man and woman has to be a part of your plan, Mr. President.

If you just turned and saw the VALUE of what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave us to talk to you about. 

I want to tell you how to try this. If you just sat down in a quiet room in the White House and begin thinking about what America would look like with 40-50 million Blacks in states or a territory of their own. 

I know some of you: “Man that would make it easy for him to just come and bomb us.”  

Didn’t I just tell you of our back-up? 

You have to have a plan for the next 20-30-40-50 years and, Mr. President, if you AGREE to LOOK AFTER US in that territory for the next 20-25 years, like you did for #Israel giving them MILLIONS of dollars, you would be proud of what we do. 

And, we’ll protect our side and you’ll have an EXTENSION of TIME and God will SHOW you MERCY for just THINKING about it. 

Not studying #reparations, but if you sat down SINCERELY with a desire to DO SOMETHING to ease this problem for Black people, I can GUARANTEE you the HARSHNESS of the weather WILL CHANGE.  

After I leave this rostrum, I want you to WATCH the WEATHER because it’s going to INCREASE in SEVERITY just to help the president humble himself before God. 

And you, my Black brothers and sisters, you have to stand up where you are and begin to MAKE yourselves BETTER people.  

Muslims if I hear you talking stupid: “The Minister is leaving, oh, what are we going to do you?” 

You sound foolish and you sound like a Disbeliever in God. 

God is not going anywhere. 

He will be with you AS you are with me. 

He’s not going to leave you alone. So put your TRUST in GOD.

What are we going to do? 

What are you doing now? 

Just keep doing it but DO it BETTER. 

You have a council, you have great teachers. 

But can anybody be a messenger?

I can’t sit anyone in my seat, but you can help.  

This mosque is called Maryam because this place is the womb. 

Like the womb of Mary and everyone that comes and hears this word will start patterning their lives after the lives of the prophets. 

And, as the Scripture says, in that day God is going to POUR OUT HIS SPIRIT without number and you’ll see the old prophets walking around.

But the greatest of all the prophets is Muhammad and the Jesus who is also Muhammad and Jesus the Messiah who is with the #Mahdi and we will be made into the beautiful person that they talked about when they introduced me. 

You will be a god too. 

You will be like Jesus too and you will go out from this house and become saviours for your people in the name of God and in the name of His #Christ. 

Thank you for listening and may Allah bless you as I greet you in peace: As-Salaam Alaikum (Peace Be Unto You)." #Farrakhan

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