Disaster Preparedness Tip: Milk


#Earthquake #diet #DisasterPreparedness: #coffee drinkers who use cream: Have you considered Powdered Milk?

As we are stocking up, one of the concerns we encounter when stocking up on coffee/tea is what creamer can we safely store. Most of the non dairy creamers have other bad chemicals in them which make them unfit for human consumption.

Most powdered creamers contain soy or worse.

Have you considered powdered Milk(Whole)? Powdered milk(Whole) can be added to our coffee/tea just like the other powdered creamers and is much safer.

If you have children who drink alot of Milk this is a great way of storing up extra milk for them as well for their cereals and what not.

Most stores will only have "Non Fat" Powdered milk which as we know is not nearly as good as Whole Milk. Non Fat powdered milk will work in a pinch, but you have to add a lot of it. And it's like adding non fat milk to your coffee. Doesn't taste as good but will work. Whole Milk is better, but harder to find at the stores.

When using powdered milk for first time, dont add alot of sugar at first. The powdered milk sometimes makes the coffee sweet on its on. Test it out first.

You can find Whole Powdered Milk online atAmazon.com 

I'm not endorsing the company in this image, just using as an example.

When we get our 5 gallon buckets, we can fill them with all of our coffee and supplies that we will use (coffee/paper coffee cups/plastic spoons/filters/powdered milk/creamers/etc) so we can always have our survival coffee supplies at the ready.

Remember to write what we have in the buckets on the outside of the buckets.

Please share this information with your family and friends as well. For a copy of the Disaster Preparedness E Book Allah Blessed me to put together send me an email to writermdm@gmail.com (its free)

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