When The MotherShip Comes Down

 #ufo #Mothership Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "And WHEN you see that Wheel come down...WHEN God declares Open War on this devil...You will SEE TERROR like you never saw it before.

And you will bite your fingers in INTENSE REGRET saying "Would that I had taken a way with the Messenger....Would that I JUST BELIEVED!!

#Famine is on The Way!!!

In America won't be no more Wendy's. They won't be able to get a cattle to grind the beef for you to eat.

The #weather is changing.

Your enemy is THROUGH! 

He LOOKS like he's got power but it's only for a few more days and in the TWINKLING of an eye it Will Be GONE!

And you who put your trust in #money, you'll see the big tycoons with thousand dollar bills lighting up their cigars because the money will be WORTHLESS In the TWINKLING of the eye.

They'll be coming soon. In the ghetto, with their tanks and 30 cal machine guns.

And if you've never seen the helicopters used in Vietnam, you'll see them used on the ghetto.

God is going to turn your enemy loose on you and drive you to Him.

He's going to kill your enemy, but He's going to teach you a Lesson.

WHEN God speaks to you, you have a DUTY to answer.

You are now in the VALLEY of DECISION.

It's your move." #Farrakhan "The Shock of The Hour" (on YouTube)


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