How To Fight Radiation Sicknesses


#Diet #DisasterPreparedness‬: Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns A Major‪ #Earthquake‬ may destroy Nuclear Reactors releasing deadly radiation in the air. 

Also This war is heating up, #WWIII, the War of #Armageddon mentioned in our Bible. 

#Christ warns this war takes place in #Germany‬. Between East and West Germany. 

They are going to SPLIT BACK UP and go to War. SOON. 

WHEN you see this, Maybe you will Realize that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us the truth and he is who we Know him to be, The‪ Exalted Christ‬ Anointed With The Wisdom and Power of God, #MasterFardMuhammad.

 He warns WHEN this war starts it will go ‪Nuclear‬. 

While those of us living in America will not have to deal with nuclear bombs, we may deal with the fall out from damaged nuclear reactors. 

No matter where we live on this planet we have to protect ourselves against Radiation Sickness. 

We can prepare for this now by stocking up on NAVY BEANS. 

Remember, Christ teaches Navy Beans help our bodies fight radiation sicknesses/poisoning. 

Christ Teaches God told him our 3 BEST Foods are Whole Milk, Navy Beans, and Wheat Bread. 

We Must Stock up on as much Navy Beans as we can and start eating them every day.

 Always eat wheat bread with Navy Beans as it helps our body break down the beans better. Don't wait until there is radiation in the atmosphere to think about the survival of your family. 

There also may be earthquakes as well as other Disasters that may damage Nuclear reactors here in America. 

Stock up on Baking Soda. Look up Baking Soda and Radiation. Look up how doctors in #Japan treated survivors of #Hiroshima with Baking Soda. 

The Messiah warns "He (Honorable #ElijahMuhammad) said get that bean, that NAVY BEAN, that natural bean; the pulse IN it will ward off the effects of‪ #Radiation‬. 

But you DON'T like #Muslim‬ food from Elijah Muhammad. Well DIE then! 

If You Can’t let a man from God teach you how to SAVE YOUR LIFE then die! 

The world will be better off with you being eaten by a damn worm!" #Farrakhan: Saviours Day 2012 

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