Stock Up On Navy Beans

#DisasterPreparedness: We should store, at Least 21lbs of #Navybeans, per person (adult) in your home(will last 3 weeks). 

But 90lbs per person is Best(3 Months). 

Keep your Navy Beans and all of your foods in an airtight, water proof container. 

There are two ways you can buy Navy Beans. In Bulk, which is cheaper, or from your local grocer. At this point Get what you can, when you can, how you can. 

Stock up on as much Navy Beans as you can. 

Every time you walk into any store, if they have Navy Beans, buy at least one bag. Because they will soon disappear from the shelves. 

If you have been "actively" preparing, you will notice in some areas that the cost of Navy Beans has nearly doubled since last year. Always remember Navy Beans first. 

Christ teaches Navy Beans help our body fight radiation sickness. 

As the war of Armageddon (#China, #Russia) heats up, he warns this war will go nuclear. 

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns When The Major #Earthquake hits America nuclear reactors may be destroyed. NOTE: Always check with your local Muhammad's Mosque, Study Group for Organic Bulk Navy Beans, Rice, etc at the best prices. 

People are waking up to the time and what must be done as far as preparing for the dark times ahead.

 Navy Beans is one of the best foods we could possibly buy. 

He warns us to store up 2 to 3 months worth of food. 

You could get 3 months worth of Navy beans for under $100 (right now) 

Yes, that is THREE MONTHS worth of healthy, nutritious foods that will definitely keep you alive (even if that's all you have) for under $100 bux. 

That is less than most of our cell phone bills. 

Are you telling me keeping your i phone on is more important that preparing for the survival of you, your family?

 Can you imagine yourself sitting somewhere after a disaster, hungry, staring at your phone that no longer works?

 Can you imagine staring into the faces of your starving children regretting the money you wasted on things today that will serve no purpose for you tomorrow?�

 #Aukland #Perth #Melbourne #Sydney #Brisbane #Wellington #Tauranga #Dunedin #ChristChurch #Harare #Gisborne #Whangarei #dailywarning148 


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