The End Of Grace

#Tornado Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "A GRACE Period is The Time we must ACT in accord with God’s #MasterFardMuhammad WAY of Righteousness. 

The TIME and What MUST Be DONE:  Well, if the END of their (Wicked) world was in 1914, why didn’t their world end at that time? 

It is because out of The Beneficence and The Mercy of Almighty God Allah that He gave them a GRACE Period of 60 years, not to go more than 70 years.

THE END of this world’s time was 1914—but The Great #Mahdi did not come and make Himself known to us until 1930; 

The Honorable Elijah#Muhammad met Master Fard Muhammad in 1931; and He was here three years and four months (1934/1935), Teaching the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; In Detroit Michigan, Master Fard Muhammad raised over 25,000 Black people and GAVE ALL OF THEM Holy Names. 

So how would you count the 60-70 Years of Grace? 

Where would you start it from? 

You would START it from The TIME that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was in this world, doing The Work of The Great #Mahdi on his own, by himself—but Guided by The Superior Wisdom and Power of his Sender. 

So, from 1934/1935, to 1975 when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad Departed from us—that is 40 years; and from 1975 to 1995 is another 20 years, where you then had 60 Years of Grace.

However, in 1995 the GREATEST WITNESS of The Power of God’s Presence in America among us was seen in the mobilization of Black men, and women, in The #MillionManMarch, where nearly 2 million Black men gathered on The National Mall in Washington, D.C. 

What was that in 1995, at the end of 60 Years of Grace? 

That was A SIGN of The RISE of The Black Man and Woman of America! 

On that day, The Great Day, we had 10 more years of EXTENDED GRACE. 

Your Grace Period IS UP! 

The Beneficence and The Mercy of God that He has shown BOTH to Black and White: IT IS UP!" #Farrakhan: The Time and What Must be Done pt 8 

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