⚠️ @DrAvaMuhammad warns "Let NO ONE take your life without a FIGHT. #Islam is a religion of Peace. BUT the Holy Quran states: "FIGHT with this who fight with you...there is LIFE for you in RETALIATION." There is NO species on this planet, NO living organism that will not come to it's OWN DEFENSE. EVERY species FIGHTS for it's SURVIVAL. Insects, wildlife. IT has only been the Black man and woman in America who have been called upon by our former slaves masters, to forgive and forget while we are being SLAUGHTERED. We are taking that no longer! We are in obedience to #Allah, His #Christ, and the Nature in which we are created. What is the role of the woman? EVERY female of EVERY species comes to the DEFENSE of her offspring. She will sacrifice herself to DEFEND HER CHILDREN. She is genetically programmed do do that.When a woman does not stand up and fight for her child she is other than herself. We thank Allah that Minister @LouisFarrakhan is bringing us, with Allah's Guidance, back to the knowledge of ourselves. There is NO male of ANY species that will not come to the DEFENSE of the female of that species. He does not think about it, its not intellect, it is at the core of his being. So when a man sees his woman under attack it is his DUTY to come to her AID. Why? Because there is NO LIFE without the woman. It is THROUGH HER WOMB that a man has immortality. He has his reproductive capability, and above all to express his dominion; to exert his dominion. He cannot do that without his MATE. He will INSTANTLY lay down his life to defend his woman. So we are here today to STAND UP! FIVE Black women in the month of July alone were found dead in the custody of police. Including #SandraBland ..and others. We are here to say that you have abducted the LAST Black woman off the streets of America and taking her away, KILL HER, and show us her body and claim she Committed suicide. That is a modern day lynching! These people(Caucasians) have NEVER changed and they NEVER WILL! It is TIME For us to go for SELF! And Allah has chosen the man, ONE MAN, to lead us up out of here! The Honorable Minister @LouisFarrakhan!" 10/10/15 #dailywarning79


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