⚠️ In Just A Few Days, when the dollar, #euro, #bitcoin, & all #crypto, #stocks, #bonds, are all completely worthless, when the banks fail, and the #housingbubble BURSTS crashing the #realestate market by over 70%...🀯 You ask what do I know about #homesales & #realestate?πŸ™„ Absolutely nothing.😐 I am a student of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the leadership of Messiah Farrakhan. And THEY said the collapse that's coming SOON will make what happened during the #GreatDepression look like nursery school, meaning it will be Infinitely Worse. Well what happened to the price of #housing back then? If you study THAT history instead of falling for the enemies lies about tomorrow you will learn: "During the 1920s prices reached their highest level in the third quarter of 1929 before FALLING by 67% at the end of 1932 and hovering around that value for most of the Great Depression." THINK about it, IF the #banks are going to fail & the dollar is about to crash, AND THEY ARE. And you have to go through banks to buy a house... ⭐⭐⭐And Those Who Were Obedient To Messiah @LouisFarrakhan And Got Silver & Gold May Be Able To Buy A House With Just ONE Ounce of Gold. ❗❗❗ But at THIS HOUR, in the LAST DAYS of this evil & wicked world/country, why would anyone who believes God #MasterFardMuhammad is about to Destroy this modern day Sodom & Gomorrah and REMOVE us from it waste one penny buying a house before knowing where we will go?πŸ€” We should spend our resources preparing to survive the Destruction that is about to happen and if we live on any of the coastlines we should be preparing to evacuate. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸš— 🚨 Because The Messiah warns Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, said He WOULDN'T buy ANYTHING on either coast, and even in the south, because the coasts are going to be flooded pushing all the people to the CENTER of the Country. It's not what we SAY we believe. It's what we DO that shows the God who we are. And God said, through His Chosen Messiah: "Let's Take Arkansas FIRST. We want to START in Arkansas..." Holy Day of Atonement 2012/ The Time & What Must Be Done 30 Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert


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