Problem Number 12 - Tuning In: Telepathy: Radio in The Head

#Telepathy Mother Tynnetta teaches "He( Honorable #ElijahMuhammad) speaks about telepathy and the SIGN for us to STUDY in Jesus’ history when he was taught to tune in by the scientist who visited him.

He then made a reference to the Mother’s Wheel (#TheWheel) and stated that if we concentrated hard enough, we might be able to hear the sound of the motors on the Wheel. 

He also stated that as Mary and Joseph communicated with each other in this way during a TIME of TROUBLE, that counting forward 20 to 30 or so years from the date(70's) of his lecture series, SOME OF US would be able to do the same.
In one of the parables of Jesus in the New Testament, we are told that two would be at the mill, one would be taken and the other would be left; TWO would be in the BED, ONE would be TAKEN and the other would be left.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad explained this phenomenon in this way, that two would be out shopping or walking together and a sound, likened to a high pitched frequency or bell, would ring in our ears indicating that contact was being made by one of the angels or scientists or from himself, trying to get in touch with us to guide us when the time comes where to go.

According to the 12th Problem of The Supreme Wisdom Lessons given to all students or new converts to study when we join the Nation, we are instructed to hurry and to lose no more time. In the imperative voice, we are told: “Don’t tell her that there was no one to teach for three hundred and seventy-seven years. She already knows and is trying to forget it. Now she will teach you quickly any course you may desire.”
This comes as a quickening of the spirit, to tune into the guide or the teacher, even as Jesus was taught to tune in through a series of questions and answers in the form of lessons. He was taught by the prophet or wise man who visited him how to protect himself from his enemies who sought to kill him.  I made a reference to this in previous articles in this series to demonstrate how contact would be made as the time draws near!" Mother Tynnetta Muhammad


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