The Enemy's Attack Against The Nation of Islam, And Allah's RETALIATION

The Enemy's Attack Against The Nation of Islam, And Allah's RETALIATION 

 #modesty #Christ warns the enemy, for the LEAST of his followers that they kill, Allah will kill TEN of their BEST.

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns for The Best of one of his followers they kill Allah will take out whole STATES!

Why do you think he told the enemy that?

Why do you think he told US that?

The enemy has their BEST trained agents on all the Believers. 

We are watched 24/7.

They have files on all of us.

They know who the hypocrites are.

They know the weak Believers,  and they know the strong believers. They know our likes, dislikes,  desires, etc.

And They know those among us who barely goes to the Mosque, They know those of us who rarely studies, they know who doesn't pay charity, they know the sisters who won't wear a HEADPIECE or don't cover up MODESTLY in public, they know who hardly prays, they know who eats 3 and 4 times a day, who drinks, who smokes, etc. They know the backbiters, slanderers, gossipers.

They know How we REALLY feel about Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, and what we say and think about him

So does Allah.

Recently The Messiah explained who "The Least" of his followers were. And he warned us to stop doing all those things that would put us in "The Least" category.

We were warned the war against The #NationofIslam starts when they murder one of our women.

Student Minister Nuri Muhammad said, "A Black woman must have a certain amount of ovarian audacity to go out in the streets with a HEADPIECE on because to wear it is to make a clear distinction and declaration. 

The headpiece is not like the hijab, the headpiece is a clear indication that a sister is a part of the class of the MGT & GCC, a follower of The Honorable Minister Louis #Farrakhan." -Student Minister Nuri Muhammad

So The Hypocrites and agents want the sisters to not wear Headpiece and to not dress modesty.


Because that puts them in that LEAST category. And they can say, We didn't know she was your follower.

We are at war, and EVERYONE SHOULD be able to look at us and KNOW we are with #Farrakhan.

There is this one Sister, MGT, there could be more, but this one I know of, she is ALWAYS in her garment/uniform when she leaves the house. 

ALWAYS. No matter where she goes, even just walking down the street, she's in her uniform. 

There is absolutely no mistaking who she belongs to.

And The Minister noticed her walking faithfully up that uphill road. If I remember right I believe he gave her a Holy Name for being consistent in Representing The Exalted Christ, and Messiah #Farrakhan. 

I believe it was Saviours Day 2011 when he warned MGT they will suffer tomorrow for what they are doing today,  not wearing headpiece, not covering up...

Why tomorrow?

Who is going to make them suffer?

Why will Allah allow that?

They were disobedient to The Messiah.

Have You Considered The Holy Qur’an warns Sisters who refuse to dress modesty as taught by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad that their own skins will testify against them, A painful Chastisement. 

Because some of our 
 sisters take delight in the in showing off the hair, and body...

There are now hypocrites and agents urging sisters, MGT, to go to the gun range. They are posting videos and pictures holding guns and other weapons.

The Enemy KNOWS The Believer is not supposed to carry ANY weapons. So when they see those carrying weapons, and encouraging the use of weapons,  what do you think enters their mind about those sisters?


The enemy is also a COWARD.

Given the option of attacking The LEAST of the Followers and only losing ten of their best, OR attacking those who are obedient, submissive to The Messiah, STRONG in FAITH, which could cause the destruction of entire states, who do you think they will attack first?

The enemy has past examples of what it costs to kill a follower of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

Allah destroyed one of their nuclear submarines once killing every sailor on board when they murdered an FOI. Look up #USSThresher.

Am I saying those who strive hard to be 100% in Obedience to the #RestrictiveLaws, Rules of Conduct,  General Orders, will not be attacked?


But The Messiah said,  "Our Righteousness SHALL Sustain Us."

In #TheologyofTime The Honorable #ElijahMuhammad was saying how the enemy knows they can't do anything to him.


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