The Fall Of An Economic Superpower


⚠️ #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #TheBlackExodus #SolarFlare #SolarStorm #EMP #CME

#gold #silver is real money~ Messiah  @LouisFarrakhan

 [ 🚨#bitcoin #crypto,  #nft     is fake, a scam, like hypocrites,  it's not real.]

Buying any  #cryptocurrency, #NFT, is like buying BAGS of AIR. 

And Of course air has way more value than any #crypto. We need air to live. But as a metaphor, when buying something physical, air ain’t it.

Sure, if you buy a bag of air, and WHEN you  REALIZE what you really have is NOTHING, and you can sell it BEFORE others realize it really is worthless, you MAY be able to make a profit.

But what have we really done?

Bought a bag of air, NOTHING,  and sold it to someone else.

We in essence TRICKED someone else into buying nothing BEFORE the true price, ZERO, manifests.

We are tricking people into investing in nothing AFTER The Messiah said get GOLD & SILVER.

As Muslims we want for our Brothers and Sisters what we want for ourselves. Are we really trying to trick our people into buying #crypto,#nft, NOTHING, so we can make money?

And it really is nothing. It's Not backed by anything of value.

It Has no value but what "they" say it's worth, and we don't know who they are.

Sure, hypocrites&disbelievers  look for ways to hurt believers. They would run a scam on us in a heartbeat. Christ warns we face War & Cataclysmic #Disaster. 

Meaning NO ELECTRICITY. Meaning No internet. Meaning no ATM. #blackout

Mother Tynnetta said Nationwide #Poweroutage

In every disaster I've ever been through or studied, the FIRST thing to go is credit/debit cards. 

After the power goes out stores will only take cash then silver, gold.

The Power is Going out. That is actual fact. Have you Considered HOW you will be able to use crypto after that? 

Before you lose ALL your #WEALTH to something as silly as a #poweroutage, sell that junk now, buy silver or gold, buy land, food, water, & supplies to last 3 months.

Allah has sealed the sight of hypocrites. 

Before we ever had electricity in our homes, silver and gold was money. And it IS, And WILL BE after the lights go out again.

How do I know that for a absolute Fact?

Because Christ teaches us #Gold and #Silver will be Money soon. So if we claim to follow him running around claiming/saying crypto is the future of money, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns hypocrites come behind him trying to change what he said 🙄


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