#Fiona #Tornado "And I saw the SEVEN Angels who stand before ‪God #MasterFardMuhammad, and 7 trumpets were given to them." Revelation 8:2 Christ warns us there are SEVEN DEADLY ANGELS that ‪Allah‬ has ordered to destroy America. He said just One of these Angels, who are VERY Powerful MEN, has the power to destroy America by himself. Yet Allah has ordered ALL SEVEN of them to destroy America. These Angels have power over the forces of Nature and can Command ‪Tornado‬'s,‪ #Hurricanes‬, ‪#Fire‬, ‪Animals‬, ‪ Insects‬, and many other things. These Angels are NOT here to WARN or to TEACH. They are here to KILL and DESTROY ALL, regardless of race, Who have rejected Minister Louis Farrakhan. Time is OUT for rejecting The Man God has Sent to Deliver us. We either submit to him, or We will suffer TERRIBLY and or be destroyed by those angels. The Choice is yours. Play time is over. WHEN we SEE with our own eyes Tornados DESTROY Most of Los Angeles AND Chicago, KNOW that on August 14, 2014 The Messiah Farrakhan Called it and Allah and these 7 angels Answered. Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert


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