⚠️ #Ian Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns All The Coastlines of America will be destroyed, forcing all who live on or near any of these coastlines to move to the center of the country.  Over 125 Million U.S Citizens live in Coastal Counties. Can you imagine over 100 Million people fleeing for their lives in America at the same time? Some praise Florida Governor DeSantis. Tomorrow those same people will hate the very ground he walks on because he deceived many to come to Florida. And most of Florida may soon be destroyed by #Hurricane, #Earthquake, & #Tsunami. He has hidden the warning from The Messiah and many may Die Because of This. The Entire Gulf Coast, The Entire East Coast, The Entire West Coast, Will Be Destroyed.  "The day is near when I, #MasterFardMuhammad, The LORD, will judge all wicked nations! As you have done to Blacks in America and others around the earth, so it will be DONE to YOU!  ALL your EVIL deeds will fall back on your OWN HEADS!" Obadiah 1:15 When we THINK on all the #refugee crises all over the world? And When We REMEMBER America & England Bombing All Those Beautiful Muslim Countries to piles of smoking rubble and now complain about migrants? And Then REMEMBER How the Palestinians have been treated REMEMBER all the death and destruction caused by the CIA in South America FORCING those in South America to Flee for their lives. When We Watch the 2004 Film "The Day after Tomorrow," we see where the Scientists warn us of the Destruction we face and how eventually Americans will try to flee into Mexico to survive.  In the Film this was allowed.  In the future, this will not be allowed by God. He's going to force you into the CENTER of the Country. There will be no escape of the wicked. Satan and his hosts (reporters, celebrities politicians) has you looking into the future worrying about #climatechange,  #carbon, etc. They are deceiving Americans and the Whole World about what God is about to do to America and Why. We will soon have the largest Refuge crises in the last 6,000 years right here in America.  We have to prepare for this. If you have family or friends who live near these coasts, if they survive the Destruction....


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