Messiah @LouisFarrakhan exposes Federal Reserve


⚠️ The Fed #bitcoin #economy #FederalReserve 

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "These rich people hide behind many organizations, such as the #UnitedNations. 

That was NEVER set up to give JUSTICE to the people. 

The #WorldTradeOrganization, the Council on Foreign Relations— these are just organizations, but the wise are sitting up behind it.

 The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank—how do they destroy the sovereignty of nations?

What they want is ONE world, a world government with one #currency so they could control all the #wealth of the earth. 

So, governments now are being FORCED to sell the ASSETS that really belong to the people, and they’re gradually losing their sovereignty and they place the citizens in poverty to repay their debt. 

That’s why I asked you to read a book(google) on the Federal Reserve, because most of us THINK the Federal Reserve is something owned by the U.S. government, but the #Constitution of the United States says that the government should print money. 

In 1913, a group of international bankers TOOK OVER the printing of #money. This is why Revelations talks about a synagogue of Satan, it didn’t say a church. 

Now, don’t get angry with me. 

Go read the #Bible. 

Why did it call it a #synagogue? Because it’s a group of people with a like mind and their aim, whether they are #Jews and Gentiles and Asians, but they have the same mind: To control the assets and destroy a useless population. 

So when, in 1913, the Congress, under the Federal Reserve Act, legalized international bankers to print the money, in the same year the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith was formed, because some of those that came from Europe called themselves Jews, but they were Satanic. 

To be a Jew is to be a favored person in the sight of God. 

These are people HIDING IN the clothes of the chosen, but they’re really SATANIC." #Farrakhan 

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